Saturday 18 January 2014

The To Do List: Blu Ray Review

The To Do List: Blu Ray Review

Rating: R16
Released by Roadshow Home Ent

A sex comedy from a female point of view is to be applauded and this latest with Aubrey Plaza starring certainly has some laugh out loud moments.

Plaza plays straight A student Brandy Klark, who's about to hit the college scene, despite being unaware of the ways of sex.So, with pressure from her friends to get some experience before she goes to college, she creates a list of sexual experiences and sets about completing them like some kind of assignment.

The To Do List brilliantly recreates the 90s era, with a stonking soundtrack, but its humour is somewhat lacking in any kind of sophistication or originality. Plaza's well versed at giving some deadpan delivery and injects a bit of heart and humour into this, despite the film running out of steam well before the halfway point.

The coming of age film doesn't skip on the raunch, but rarely delivers on the laughs (though Clark Gregg's confused father adds some great moments) and the whole film ends up feeling a little bit of a disappointment.

Extras: Commentary, deleted and extended scenes and gag reel are just some of the backbones of the extras


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