Saturday 1 June 2024

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door: Nintendo Switch Review

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door: Nintendo Switch Review

Developed by Intelligent Systems
Published by Nintendo
Platform: Nintendo Switch

There is just something iconic about Mario and when it comes to the Paper Mario world, the RPG games are beloved.
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door: Nintendo Switch Review

As the game celebrates its 20th anniversary from its GameCube days, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door's Nintendo Switch version offers another triumphant return to the franchise with sharpened graphics, updated animation and music and just a general feeling that Mario is as permanent a fixture as is ever needed.

When Princess Peach is kidnapped by an alien group called the X-Nauts, it's all down to Mario to save the day, as he heads to find the treasure and get the princess from the clutches of the baddies.

It's as simple a story as is possible - but thanks to a return to Rogueport, what emerges from Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door's latest iteration is how dazzlingly beautiful the animation is and how different it feels from any other game out there.
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door: Nintendo Switch Review

There's a real tangible sense that you could touch and fold these characters as you head into their worlds, but with the OLED screens, the game looks quite sharp - even if occasionally frame rates drop.

There's a comedic tone running throughout as well and while it's there from the very beginning, the game keeps dropping moments in that amuse - from opening brawls to worldbuilding throughout, there's a sense that Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door is staying faithful to its original tone and yet updating itself for 2024.

But what makes it stand out on Nintendo Switch is the depth - the game feels like it has lively background action happening as it plays out. It's an important distinction to stop it simply feeling 2D - a chance to move between objects and interact with them as well just gives it a fully formed feeling.

At times, it feels like live theatre given an animated once over - from moments such as being prompted to stomp on enemies to folding yourself into a paper airplane, there's just sparkle in this game.

Clever, charming, sweet and pleasurable, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door is a game that you have to own on Nintendo Switch - it may come from a 20 year old property, but it feels fresh and as inviting as any a game in 2024 should.

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