Monday, 27 April 2009

The Grocer's Son: Movie Review

The Grocer's Son: Movie Review

Rating: 6/10
Cast: Nicolas Cazalé, Clotilde Hesme, Daniel Duval, Jeanne Goupil

Director: Eric Guirado
30-year-old Antoine Sforza (Nicolas Cazalé) left his small village ten years ago to follow the dream of a new life in the big city.
However, when his father has a heart attack, and with no other choices (either financial or personal) he finds himself drawn back into the parochial world of the village and thrust back into the family grocery business.
But Antoine is not a fan of life in the country - his attitude on being given the mobile grocery van and taking the shop on the road, is one of contempt for those around him.
Will his return to his former life work out?
Or will simmering family tensions finally bubble over and forever destroy the Sforzas?
The Grocer's Son is, at its heart, a retread of the story of the Prodigal son.
Only this time, it's told with a lot gentler humour - and some truly stunningly beautiful countryside.
While the characters aren't exactly original (Antoine left his village years ago tired of the small life, the father is a bit of a tyrant) The Grocer's Son works because of the gentle subtle way he becomes part of their life.
Granted Antoine's change in attitude is no surprise and can be seen a mile off - however, his initial interaction with those who rely on his services as the driver of a grocery delivery van, recall simpler times - I'm sure in some parts of the world people still buy from these vans and use eggs to trade or fake deafness when it comes to paying (as some of these characters do) - but bit by bit that doesn't detract from the overall feeling of this film.

Perfect for a rainy gloomy day, The Grocer's Son will transport you away to the beauty of Provence and the rolling hills - heck, it may even tempt you to give up the rat race and start a delivery business of your own.

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