Tuesday 20 December 2011

Torchwood: Miracle Day: Blu Ray Review

Torchwood: Miracle Day: Blu Ray Review

Torchwood Miracle Day
Rating: M
Released by BBC and Roadshow
How did it go so wrong?
After the stunning mini series of Children of Earth, it was a question of how the writers would top the quality of this Dr Who spin off.
And the answer is they didn't.
The previously Wales set serial has now gone global over this ten episode run - and some American newbies are along for the ride too. Mekhi Phifer stars as FBI Agent Rex Matheson who begins an investigation when one day without warning, people stop dying.
His hunt for answers lead to the abandoned Torchwood team who disbanded at the end of the last series and went underground.
But it turns out the head of Torchwood Jack Harkness (John Barrowman) has more to do with what's going on than anyone could realise.
The problem with Miracle Day is that there's not enough story and plot to sustain the suitably intriguing premise over 10 whole hours. It means some of the episodes feel like padding and plod as a result.
There are flashes of brilliance but they're too sporadic and not enough to give this mediocre serial the punch and deftness it actually needs.
Extras are a decent bunch though - with the web exclusive comic being one of the best of them (and giving the overall release an extra point) - but if this is how Torchwood finishes for good, it's a sadly anaemic and lacklustre end.

Rating: 5/10

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