Saturday 24 October 2020

Summer Glau of Firefly and Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles at Armageddon Expo

Summer Glau of Firefly and Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles at Armageddon Expo

A very smiley and friendly Summer Glau beamed into the Auckland Armageddon Expo as part of the 25th anniversary celebrations.

Her panel consisted talking Firefly, The Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles and how motherhood has put a temporal hold on her acting career at Armageddon Expo this weekend.

She's just one of 70 virtual panels and guests taking place this weekend.

Take a look at some shots of Summer Glau of Firefly and Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles at Armageddon Expo.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your photos/impressions from Armaggedon Expo! It means a lot for fans around the world who cannot attend a convention where Summer makes an appearance.


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