Tuesday, 6 September 2022

Saints Row: PS5 Review

Saints Row: PS5 Review

Developed by Volition
Published by Deep Silver
Platform: PS5

If you are after seriousness then Saints Row is not for.you.

The 2022 reboot of the Volition-developed title may have lost some of the overtly puerile sex gag driven silliness that was the hallmark of the series, but it's shed none of the facilities nature that an open world violent game can and should display.
Saints Row: PS5 Review

It's a simple premise - you play a gang member whose sole purpose is to carry out scores, work contracts and increase the size of your base and the scale of your operations. It's all set in Santo Ileso, a Las Vegas Nevada style town - an open world for you to roam freely around.

And yet thanks to physics that don't make sense, gravity that can be defied with ease and bugs that seem to run riot in the game despite it being a triple A title, Saints Row just has something going for it

Thanks to its scrappy nature, this is the kind of game you put on while having a few beers; it's the antithesis of the pompous Grand Theft Auto series, a dumb but fun open worlder that doesn't really aspire to being much more.

Whether that's  enough for those looking for more serious fare isn't really up for debate. Whether that's what volition wanted for this reboot is equally suspicious but it's hard to deny just how much mind numbing fun this all can be.

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