Wednesday 17 May 2023

Star Wars: Jedi Survivor: PS5 Review

Star Wars: Jedi Survivor: PS5 Review

Developer: Respawn Studios
Publisher: EA
Platform: PS5

Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order was a great reintroduction to the Star Wars universe and a sign that the gaming world can do a great job of creating a narrative-driven Star Wars IP and making it successful.

So it's back to Cal Kestis' world once again, and you're thrown straight in in the middle of a heist that really fuels the narrative of the game as Cal has to seek out those who've wronged him and vengeance for fallen comrades.

Star Wars: Jedi Survivor: PS5 Review

But what Star Wars: Jedi Survivor does well is put you back into the boots of a fledgling Jedi and send you running back into the world of the Force and the Empire. With no shaky need to get reacquainted with Cal's previous powers, the game builds on the skills and kills of Cal with ease. New stances, double lightsabers and big chunky fights make this a game that does challenge as much as it does thrill.

Proffering up the kind of human elements a good Star Wars story does (betrayal, vengeance, growth), the game's emotional depths make it well worth the time investment. The game's smooth graphics on the PS5 allow cut scenes to sizzle, especially in HD TV terms. It works in the way a best Lucasfilm game can - taking elements that gel and improving on them without alienating the player.

From extra stances that allow you to slip between light sabre battle styles to a sprawling map, Star Wars: Jedi Survivor knows exactly what it wants to do and delivers in spades. Unlocking abilities as you go while building on prior skills from Fallen Order, the game's not interested in holding back players, but merely enabling them to be the best they can be during their playing.

Star Wars: Jedi Survivor: PS5 Review

It's a rudimentary difference that doesn't alienate new players, but equally doesn't infuriate others who've spent prior hours working their way up. Fights need you to focus, building on Jedi skills you've acquired, but they also require you to think about what you're doing and employ the best stance to survive the conflict. There may be a little more of the platforming elements in this one, but that's no bad thing.

It's thrilling heady stuff that Star Wars: Jedi Survivor looks to bring to the table - and the fact it does it in such a way that proves to be both immersive and compelling is testament to both Respawn and EA. In trusting in their own Forces within, they've enabled this Star Wars game to be one of the best narrative games ever produced.

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