Tuesday, 9 April 2024

Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth: PS5 Review

Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth: PS5 Review

Developed by Square Enix
Published by Square Enix
Platform: PS5

Where do you even begin with a title like Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth?

Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth: PS5 Review

The massive title, a sequel to the 2020 release Final Fantasy VII: Remake, and a second of a trilogy, is something fans will obviously adore, and non-players may find just welcoming enough to get involved in.

Taking place on "The Planet" and following the journey of characters taking on the tyranny of a company, you play Cloud Strife (a character, not a motif) in a massive open world that expands the 1997 game.

It's here the game comes into its own from the original as it takes on elements of the past games and builds them into more in-depth worlds. Meetings that were brief in the original now feel teeming with life as the world grows. But if you're expecting a do-over of the original game, you'll be out of luck with developers looking to twist up the storylines and add bits on rather than rehash and repeat.

Mixing in light puzzle-solving with hack and slash mechanics, Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth is open enough for newcomers and yet hits enough of the nostalgia-chasing highs for those looking to feel the game's back on track.

Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth: PS5 Review

But it's side-quest heavy at times, with plenty of distractions proving to be difficult to keep you on the main storyline as well as focussed on what would be the player's ultimate destination. That's no bad thing in retrospect, but it does occasionally leave you feeling there is padding - even if the side quests are your own choice.

From Chocobo racing to rich lavish backgrounds and graphics though, Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth is an RPG-player's dream. It's the pinnacle of what can be achieved in the genre and while it is only the second part of the game, and aimed primarily at the nostalgia-hunters, it has enough to entrance a brand new generation of fans.

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