Wednesday 25 May 2011

In A Better World: DVD Review

In A Better World: DVD Review

In a Better World
Rating: R16
Released by Vendetta Film

Golden Globe and Oscar winner In a Better World opens in Africa with Mikael Persbrandt's Anton working as a doctor in a field hospital and dealing with the fall out of a warlord and combat.

Anton is the pacifist, preferring to take the moral high ground rather than strike the first blow - but it's more difficult for his son Elias back in Denmark. He's bullied by the school kids and a bit of a loner.

One day, new kid on the block, Christian defends him - and a friendship forms. But as the friendship grows, Christian, who's recently lost his mother to cancer and is full of anger plots revenge on those who would do him and his friends wrong.

And it all escalates with devastating consequences.

In a Better World is a powerhouse, slow burning drama.
With evocative cutaways (either in Africa or Denmark), there's a real brooding intensity throughout - and while Persbrandt is good as Anton, the film belongs to the kids - William Jøhnk Nielsen as Christian and Markus Rygaard as Elias.

Both bring a real intensity to their brooding - Nielsen's particularly subtle in his role as a kid who's experienced loss and grief and doesn't know where to channel it.

Expect to become quickly engrossed in this drama - it's multi-layered, subtle and deeply rewarding.

Extras: None

Rating: 7/10 

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