Thursday, 31 October 2024

Here: Movie Review

Here: Movie Review

Cast: Tom Hanks, Robin Wright, Paul Bettany, Kelly Reilly, Michelle Dockery, Gwilym Lee

Director: Robert Zemeckis

Robert Zemeckis' reteaming with Forrest Gump co-stars Tom Hanks and Robin Wright  wants to be a mawkish affair that exploits every kind of human connection and tragedy over 100 minutes.

But what emerges from the gimmick of a single framed shot inside a living room is something that never hits any emotional depth and feels like an incomplete play with a non-linear narrative contrivance that never quite hits.

Based on a 2014 graphic novel, Hanks plays Richard Young, whose parents Al and Rose (Bettany and Reilly respectively) own the aforementioned living room. As the years come and go the Young family encounters life's highs and lows - from births to deaths and everything in between.

In fairness to Zemeckis, it's an audacious premise that begins with the single spot of land being nothing more than primordial swamp land. As it grows to current day, the land sees Benjamin Franklin, some Native Indians and an inventor inhabit its bones. But the film spends most of its time with the Young family, starting with their generational ownership from Al's purchase after returning from the war.

Here: Movie Review

Yet Here never really spends much time here nor there with its inhabitants to form enough of a connection or emotional edge. Overlaid images of different timezones signify the swapping of timelines and the ebb and flow of generations - but most happen so quickly there's barely time to connect to the cloying narrative as it progresses.

Frustratingly, there's the African-American owners of the property (clearly in the 2020s based on the Covid implications) whose screentime is egregiously wasted and confined to some of the worst stereotyping of their race - it's despairing that Zemeckis has nothing pertinent to say about them - other than negativity.

Side plots about the inventor of America's La-Z-Boy chair and a man obsessed with flying the first aircraft flop without any kind of cathartic or earned resolution.

Whilst the regrets, recriminations and reflections pass before the audience eyes, there are one or two touches that speak more than words could. From a story about the generational oppression of women's dreams and hopes to their confinement as domestic instigators, the film has tantalising edges to nourish its audience but never once lets them grow.

Equally, the use of de-ageing AI is beyond jarring and outside of the industry implications, the fact the narrative has little to complement the characters speaks volumes to where exactly Home has failed.

They do say home is where the heart is - but in the case of this Home, it's clear the heart was in the right place, but the mind was anywhere else but on its execution.

Wednesday, 30 October 2024

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom: Nintendo Switch Review

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom: Nintendo Switch Review

Developed by Nintendo and Grezzo
Published by Nintendo
Platform: Nintendo Switch

Princess Zelda gets her time to shine in this game.

After Link saves Zelda from Ganon, a rift in time opens up and Link's swallowed. Escaping from the castle, Zelda discovers these portals are opening up around the kingdom of Hyrule and depositing evil versions of their victims.

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom: Nintendo Switch Review

So, she sets out to heal the rifts and try to save the day.

Along with little floating fairy friend Tri, Zelda's foray into a lead role is particularly successful in parts. Using echoes to create versions of creatures to fight on her side, Zelda's got plenty of options for combat rather than just the usual swinging the sword affair.

But more than that, allowing Zelda to bind with objects means it can be used to access higher levels, to platform your way around the world and to do what's necessary to save the day. Accessing these through a menu is initially fine, but once the game builds to a certain point, the list becomes unnecessarily long, creating issues for scrolling through when you're just trying to get on with it.

Where The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom excels is in its innovation for the world of Hyrule and how Zelda interacts with it.

It's clear the game simply isn't set on just doing one thing and leaving it at that - and as a result, it's probably one of the more original games in the series, and well worth investing in.

Talking Gut Instinct, with director Doug Dillaman

Talking Gut Instinct, with director Doug Dillaman

What's Gut Instinct about?
It's about a race of alien microbes that crash-land on Earth, invade our guts, discover a love of dopamine, and use the gut-brain axis to puppeteer us into apocalypse. Which is bad.
But wait! Thanks to your friends at Interself, the Gut Instinct audiovisual purification programme can free your mind - and your guts - forever!
Talking Gut Instinct, with director Doug Dillaman

Where did the idea come from?
A two-part answer. The aesthetic impulse was to make something on my own that used techniques I'd loved since the first time I saw a hand-painted avant-garde film - eye-popping visuals by the likes of Stan Brakhage, Len Lye, and Jodie Mack had always entranced me, and I was ready to give it a go. Found footage was an easy way to make sure I didn't have to spend twenty-five years painting index cards, and there's a lot of it in the public domain. 
The story came out of an epic case of food poisoning. It happened at a time in life I was feeling bloated and unhappy and sleeping a lot, and once I recovered from this inadvisable rapid weight loss technique, I felt fantastic. I wondered if something had been living in my gut making myself miserable, came up with an absurd sci-fi scenario, and decided I'd do a little bit of research to make it sound science-y. Instead, my research led me to the realisation that every single step of my invented plot was disturbingly plausible.

It's been quite a long time coming together - can you talk us through the process and how you got to the final product?
Not quickly - but the short version is that I've been editing TV, mostly documentary and reality, for twenty years now, and so I'm very comfortable with working without a script, experimenting, revising, and continuing until I have a final product. It's a very different methodology from traditional feature filmmaking, where you spend years perfecting a script, then shoot it for very little money under intense pressure in too little time, and make the best with what you've got. 
So this has been a very iterative process, starting with little "jams" (audiovisual proofs of concept), Pinterest boards, outlines, research, repeat, and so on. I didn't know if it would sustain feature length at the beginning, and that was fine - if it had been better at 53 minutes, that's what it would have been.
Because for a long time I was doing it all myself while working, there'd be long periods where I wasn't making much headway because of the day job. But I do a lot of my best creative "work" in the shower and while I'm driving, so ideas would present themselves, and my life as a freelance editor meant that I could take time between jobs. Also, between hand painting index cards for animation, building my own light box, reading the diaries of frontier doctors, learning analogue synths and making goofy sounds, researching the gut-brain axis, and so forth, there was lots that I could do that wasn't just sitting in front of editing software (DaVinci Resolve, by the way) plugging away. 
Talking Gut Instinct, with director Doug Dillaman

What was the best part of making this film?
The irony is that I set out to make this on my own, and yet it's probably the collaboration that was the best part. Three examples:
As I was casting about for music, I found myself at a dinner with Jason Wach, who I knew vaguely as a lawyer who played guitar in my friend's band. Turns out he was besotted with analogue synths and would chill out every night by coming up with a new tune. I asked him to start sending them to me, and he'd accidentally perfectly captured the tone - a broken future, optimism for something that you know will never be. His work, combined with the more menacing work of American composer Kyle Bruckmann (a friend from university days), comprises the bulk of the wall-to-wall electronic soundtrack, augmented by my noodlings and a couple tracks by my bandmate in The Sea Plus, Hamish Scott.
A couple years into the process, I realised that my methods - combining found footage, my abstract animation, travel footage from my personal archive, and so on - weren't sufficient to ground the viewer in the space of the film and provide a continuous visual identity for our nemesis (the "badcrobes"). So I approached Liam Maguren, who readers might know from the 48Hours winner of 2022, Big Questions, and asked if he'd draw the "badcrobes". That one-off request grew and grew over years into a couple dozen animations. Working with Liam was so much fun - it basically became an exercise in making each other laugh, and one he nailed. 
And, of course, working with my wife, Sarah Watt, who's the voice of Gut Instinct. It wasn't a case of "oh, she's here, so I'll use her", but that she was perfect for the role of our helpful narrator/purification supervisor. Apart from her creative contribution, her support on every other level was integral to getting this over the line, and in recent times, she's been very good at pushing me to stop playing and start finishing as the mind-gut connection has gone from the esoteric weird topic it was in 2017 to grist for the front cover of The Listener. I love her dearly, I'm super proud that it's her voice in my film, and I can't picture this film existing without her.  

What's been the hardest part - I know it's been over several years, periods that have included lockdowns, isolations from family - has this made it more difficult or has it been a case of sinking into your work?
Your readers aren't paid to be my therapist, and they should be very thankful for that! 
Lots of challenges in life, from a pituitary haemorrhage two months in (one massive slow-down in the production process), to having my family in America during lockdown, to losing some people in my life who were very important, to having Aotearoa's creative industry collapse under my feet this year. Maybe I'll start a LiveJournal for all that.
In terms of making the film, I didn't keep a diary or anything, but I probably froze for about a year during Covid where I just thought a film about a global pandemic wasn't funny and put the topic aside. Thankfully, Covid is over and everything's back to normal and we don't have to worry about that any more! (I am of course joking.)
Talking Gut Instinct, with director Doug Dillaman

Your last film Jake took about the same amount of time to make - is it just something about your processes that sees you work to those timelines?
They were very different processes, so I'm tempted to say "it's called independent filmmaking". Which is true, but I also tend to be pushing a lot of creative boulders up hills, and focus at any time on whichever one has the most traction. During the start of lockdown, I made the short You Could Have Seen The Mona Lisa, which played DocEdge 2021, and a bit later I started my latest band, The Sea Plus. Plus a podcast, some non-fiction writing, a few music videos, chipping away at revising the novel I wrote in 2014, a few short film ideas, and helping other filmmakers with their films ... there's always something to play with. 
My wife and I also made a life decision, after that aforementioned hemorrhage, to live in Europe for five months in 2019, and when I arrived and discovered that I'd brought a PC and a Mac-formatted drive, I put it aside for the duration of that trip - although plenty of footage from that trip made the film. Then of course I got home and had to work flat out for ages to pay for the trip. So there's a year where not much happened on the film. And just generally balancing life and work and wanting to be connected to friends and my Kiwi family slows things down. Which is fine. The film will always be there to work on. You never know if people will. 
But neither of my films have been externally funded by funding bodies or crowdfunding, and that's the big thing. That's unlikely to change any time soon, so unless I come up with a project that suits easy production and a quick turnaround scenario - which could happen, as I don't think my next film will have 3000 edits like this one - then expect a similarly protracted process. 

What's the moment you're proudest of and why?
The first time I screened a cut in my living room to four friends in the industry, I watched them watching, and even before their applause at the end, I *knew* it worked. People can be kind and lie to you to spare your feelings - although I deliberately try to get viewers that I know would give honest feedback because they understand how helpful it is - but one thing I've learned from being an editor is that physical engagement never lies. The film wasn't fully there - the opening changed dramatically, some other stuff moved around, some subplots got excised, and audio magician Gareth van Niekerk created a 5.1 mix that's deeply cinematic - but their response made it clear that I had something that wasn't just a weird art project to bang on Vimeo that eight weirdos would love, but something that could really connect with an audience in a novel way inside a cinema.

Conversely, what's been the moment that you held your head in your hands and thought "why am i doing this?"
Honestly, the entire process of actually making the film has been a joy. Yes, I've created stupid mental barricades for myself from time to time, but whenever I was just getting my hands dirty painting medical diagrams or rewriting dialogue, I loved it. The goal of this project was for it not just to be a good film but an enjoyable process that could be a model for sustainable creativity in my life. That it seems to connect with audiences despite being a very abnormal film is a plus. 
But I can still picture myself in the shower during COVID realising I'd invested years of my life into making a comedy about a global pandemic, and that certainly wasn't a good day...

What have you learned about yourself in this process?
Well, to bring it back to the sci-fact of the film, the fact that our guts are lined with neurons that produce neurotransmitters, and the fact that the vagus nerve sends signals from our guts to our brain, really does mean we're a lot more than our rational brain, and part of how our guts behave is literally the microbes that call our guts home. So it literally changed my concept of self, and also how I perceive others and their behaviours. 
Talking Gut Instinct, with director Doug Dillaman

What do you expect the audience will get out of it?
So I have some idea, because I got anonymous feedback from our friends and family screening, which was super-gratifying. I like a lot of weird films, and would happily watch 65 minutes of hand-painted images with no soundtrack or video feedback with horrible noise, but I really wanted to make GUT INSTINCT a film that an audience could hook into while enjoying some of those formal aspects of avant-garde films that I enjoy. 
The feedback was great - some people love the wide variety of found-footage (there's hundreds of clips from public hygiene and military films, mostly American mid 20th century - their archives are great for these purposes), some people love tripping out on the eye-popping imagery and the audio, some people enjoy the story - but my most pleasant surprise was from friends who would never go see a genre or experimental film who really engaged with the factual content. I don't know if there's something for EVERYbody in GUT INSTINCT, but it seems like it's a film that can connect with a surprisingly wide variety of audiences, despite how unconventional it is. 
I asked people to describe their Gut Instinct experience in 10 words or less, and one person said "informative" and another said "bat-shit insane". I've seen lots of films that earn one of those adjectives, but I struggle to think of a film that ticks both boxes, which is really gratifying. (The closest examples I can think of, both of which were huge influences, were Werner Herzog's THE WILD BLUE YONDER and Craig Baldwin's TRIBULATION 99.)
What I would really love is for young - or not so young! - filmmakers to see GUT INSTINCT and take it as a call to arms to make their own weird films, not relying on "the correct way to make films", but finding a process that works for them and suits their creativity. The tool-kit we have these days is incredible, the set of learning resources available is unparalleled, and the chance of something that plays by the rules succeeding or even getting funded is negligible. The only reward you can hope for is the satisfaction of the process, and that's what I hope a filmmaker gets out of watching GUT INSTINCT. My process isn't for everybody, but neither is the status quo. Go discover yours!

You're premiering at the Terror-Fi Film Festival. What are you looking forward to there?
Every year Terror-Fi has some great under the radar gems, and this year we're double-featured in Auckland and Wellington with Things Will Be Different, a time-travel thriller produced by Moorhead/Benson (The Endless, Something In The Dirt). I've got particularly high hopes for that and Else, which sounds like a French sci-fi body horror a friend of mine saw at TIFF and loved. In Christchurch, we play the same night as the 4K restoration of Jonathan King's Black Sheep, which is also premiering at Terror-Fi. Jonathan has been hugely supportive of my filmmaking ever since we met and provided valuable feedback on in-progress cuts of Gut Instinct, and I'm looking forward to seeing the restoration in Wellington on Halloween. 
I'm also really looking forward to doing Q&As in Wellington and Auckland, and talking to any other filmmakers out there. As you can probably tell by the length of this Q&A, I've been thinking about this film for seven years and have a lot to say. So do feel free to come up between sessions and ask any questions if you like. And if I've met you before and I look blank, gently remind me - I'm moderately faceblind, which is always an adventure!
Talking Gut Instinct, with director Doug Dillaman

What can we expect to see next from you - and will it be in a 6 year time period?
In a weird fluke of timing, one of my most recent major editing and writing job, a documentary about 501 returnees directed by Dean Cornish, called The 501s - An Inside Story, will be premiering on TVNZ soon - in November, I believe. It couldn't be more different than this film, but I'm super proud of my work giving a voice to this community of people who've fought against the odds to turn their lives around and are trying to help new returnees do the same. In the current media and political landscape that's fraught with dehumanisation, I feel it's an important programme that has a lot of heart and a lot to say, and I hope it gets the attention and increases people's understandings of a class of humans that are too often dismissed and disparaged as a three-digit number. 
What the "paid work editing commercial television" world I've lived in for the last twenty years holds - and what that means for my professional future - remains to be seen. But in terms of being a filmmaker, I have a few short ideas, and will try to turn one or two around relatively quickly. My next feature will almost certainly be in a mode resembling this film, but expanding the techniques and probably not relying so much on found footage. It's an apocalyptic love story between two non-human intelligences. 
But even though I've authored the DCP and sent it to Wellington for the premiere, GUT INSTINCT isn't really over yet - as a one-man band, the distribution and publicity of the film is as much part of making it as anything else, and after Terror-Fi, I'll be bringing it back to as many cinemas as are willing to take it. So at least the rest of the year is about figuring out how I get people to come to the cinema to experience the film.
The release calendar right now for the rest of the year is dire as far as original content - we've got "animated sequel originally meant for television", "live-action Disney film", "part 1 of an adaptation of a musical of a movie of a book", "sequel for movie from 24 years ago", "Spider-Man villain fulfilling contractual obligation", "other Spider-Man villain whose film has been delayed a year", "what if some Lord of the Rings was animated", and so on. I think people want something different. And GUT INSTINCT is definitely something different!

Gut Instinct plays at the Terror-Fi Film Festival from October 30 before a nationwide release in December.

Tuesday, 29 October 2024

Terrifier 3: Movie Review

Terrifier 3: Movie Review

Cast: Lauren LaVera, David Howard Thornton, Antonella Rose, Elliott Fullam, Samantha Scaffidi
Director: Damien Leone

Already blasted as ultra-gory and controversial, Damien Leone's uncompromising vision of the chaos wrought by the soon-to-be iconic Art the Clown continues.

But - and whisper it - in among the entrails used as tinsel on the Christmas tree, and limbs being severed in among the splatter - Terrifier 3 is nothing without the clown and also its final girl Sienna (LaVera). Because in among the blood spree is a slow-moving drawn-out story that borders on frightfully dull at times - and panders more to an audience au fait with previous films.

Terrifier 3: Movie Review

Taking up after the end of Terrifier 2, Art The Clown (a brilliantly physical Thornton) returns to Miles County to wreak havoc once again - but this time among the Christmas period.

While some of the plot concerns itself with deepening the mythology of the demon world in Art the Clown's life and the ongoing psychological effects on Sienna after surviving thus far, most of the glee that Terrifier 3 is held in deserves to be laid upon the myriad of practical bloody effects and close ups that Leone applies.

From hands being smashed to chainsaws, from genital mutilation to stigmata via a side order of child destruction and threatening, Leone's serious about visual edges - but at the expense of a narrative which is scattershot at best. Whilst LaVera impresses in the role, Terrifier 3 belongs 110% to Thornton, who revels in the needs of the physical.

Be it clowning around or muted menacing, Thornton's OTT facials add much to the story's atmosphere and are probably what have upset so many censors and concerned individuals. While some evil is written off by quips or comments in other films, Leone's refusal to lighten the tone of his villain other than via moments of levity is to be commended - and it's here the sadism and menace comes to the fore. 

Perhaps it would have been better for Art to apply a chainsaw to the whole film - a trim in parts could have made it more effective and less drawn out. (Though admittedly, this is the kind of genre film that's best served by a crowd and their collective reaction.)

Because ultimately, among all the furore and anger over Terrifier 3's uncompromising vision of gore, there's a better film waiting to emerge - rather than a series of gloriously gory kills strung tediously together by very little else. 

Terrifier 3 will premiere at the Terror-Fi Film Fest on October 30, before getting a wider release from November 7.

Monday, 28 October 2024

The Remarkable Life of Ibelin: Netflix Movie Review

The Remarkable Life of Ibelin: Netflix Movie Review

Director: Benjamin Ree

Remarkable in its empathy, but less so its supposition that online communities are thriving and doing good things, director Benjamin Ree's The Remarkable Life of Ibelin follows what happens next for a family left bereft of a son, ripped prematurely away by a disease.

Diagnosed with Duchenne's disease early on in life, Mats Steen finds himself confined to a wheelchair, gradually cut off from his own family and left with only his computer to nourish him daily.

The Remarkable Life of Ibelin: Movie Review

As the degenerative muscular disease continues to lay waste to him, Mats spends some 20,000 hours inside World of Warcraft, the online multiplayer game that millions have heard of. But after his death, Mats leaves his parents his password to his blog and they post a message not expecting many to see.

However, what emerges from their final message surprises them.

Ree's story uses archival home video footage, animation and machinima to bring Mats' world to life. While its beginning makes it clear this is a story without a happy ending for Mats, the film's more about celebration of a life and the impact one person can have.

To that end, the filmmakers access thousands of hours of Mats' interactions in the game, where he was a buff character called Ibelin, who was prone to drinking, chatting up women and living a better life than reality could afford him.

Perhaps there's a naivete here at play that parents these days wouldn't be aware of the value and esteem of computer games to their children, perhaps Ree simply wants to use the cinematic forum to remind them of the power of connection and that basic message, but there is an innocence at play here that brings a level of poignancy to the daily recreations of Steen's in-game life.

TV, games and literature are littered with messages that one person can make a difference and perhaps The Remarkable Life of Ibelin does little to add to the pantheon of messaging. But what it does do is show a human touch to a familiar story that's steeped in tragedy.

It's a subtle reminder to do good wherever you go, wherever you live in times that ache with unsettled evil lurking.

This film is playing as part of the 2024 Whanau Marama New Zealand International Film Festival. For more details, visit

Sunday, 27 October 2024

The Red: Movie Review

The Red: Movie Review

Cast: Tess Haubrich, Michael Biehn, A bad CGI kangaroo
Director: Ryan Coonan

As a concept, the idea of a zombie kangaroo going feral on its prey in a small Australian town is a great one.

In reality, director Ryan Coonan's film fails to embrace the premise, preferring to pull together a story about those under threat battling the monster within rather than fighting off the admittedly weak CGI monster without.

The Red Movie Review

When Axetown's young sheriff Maddie (Haubrich) discovers a series of locals are ripped to shreds, she initially baulks at the suggestion that a zombie kangaroo is behind the bloody trail.

But when she locks up a suspect and further killings take place, her attitude changes and suddenly a roo-hunt begins.

For a film promising to be a bloody creature feature and releasing on Halloween, Coonan's The Red (also known as Rippy) spends way too much of its time looking inwardly than leaning extremely into the possibilities of absurdism for its story.

That's fine if what transpires is engaging, but large swathes of The Red are spent examining Maddie's issues with dealing with her father's legacy and whether Michael Biehn's scenery-chewing Vietnam vet Schmitty deserves to get back with his ex rather than full-on creature mayhem and gore.

A tantalising hint that a local mining company has something to do with the mutations is thrown in but left unexplored, and even though it's adapted from short film Waterborne, there's little to not enough meat on the narrative bones to make this engaging enough and to stave off boredom throughout.

The Red Movie Review

Hints of what could have been emerge throughout the film, chiefly in some dialogue that should have been more hammed up ("G'day Skippy being one of the best) but unfortunately, the execution of this 80 minute film is so uneven, what feels like a short film still ends up feeling like an eternity spent in the Outback.

Australia's known for plenty of animals that can kill you - but it can now add a film that can also prove to be fatal, thanks to a combination of long scenes of tedium and a faltering premise that never seizes on its potential.

Saturday, 26 October 2024

What's on Disney+ in November

What's on Disney in November

Here's everything that's streaming in Disney in November.

What's on Disney in November

19 November

Interior Chinatown - Star Original Series Premiere

Based on Charles Yu’s award-winning book of the same name, the show follows the story of Willis Wu, a background character trapped in a police procedural called Black & White. Relegated to the background, Willis goes through the motions of his on-screen job, waiting tables, dreaming about a world beyond Chinatown and aspiring to be the lead of his own story. When Willis inadvertently becomes a witness to a crime, he begins to unravel a criminal web in Chinatown, while discovering his own family’s buried history and what it feels like to be in the spotlight.

29 November

Beatles ’64 - Disney+ Premiere

The impact of the Beatles’ first trip to the United States is well known: their lightning bolt rise up the charts, battalions of screaming teenage girls and a record-breaking performance on Ed Sullivan, witnessed by 73 million people. "Beatles '64" tells a more intimate story. Filmmakers Martin Scorsese and David Tedeschi reveal the four Beatles at the moment of their musical breakthrough and unimaginable fame. The film showcases rare behind-the-scenes footage filmed by pioneering documentarians David and Albert Maysles, beautifully restored in 4K. Newly filmed and archival interviews with the Beatles, along with fans whose lives were transformed by the band’s music, illuminate this singular cultural moment and its continued resonance today.

1 November

Music by John Williams  - Disney+ Original Premiere

His unforgettable scores are an essential part of some of the most beloved movies of our time, over a career that spans decades. See and hear maestro John Williams’ own story, with insights from filmmakers, musicians, and others he has inspired, complete with rare behind-the-scenes looks at the making of movie history.

14 November

FX's Say Nothing - Star Original Series Premiere

FX’s limited series Say Nothing is a gripping story of murder and memory in Northern Ireland during The Troubles. The 9-episode series is based on the book by Patrick Radden Keefe. Spanning four decades, the series opens with the shocking disappearance of Jean McConville, a single mother of ten who was abducted from her home in 1972 and never seen alive again.

22 November

Out of My Mind  Disney+ Original Movie Premiere

Melody Brooks, a sixth grader with cerebral palsy, has a quick wit and a sharp mind, but because she is non-verbal and uses a wheelchair, she is not given the same opportunities as her classmates. When a young educator notices her student’s untapped potential and Melody starts to participate in mainstream education, Melody shows that what she has to say is more important than how she says it.

Also in November…

2 November



6 November

Star Original  - International

Gangnam B-Side

9 November

Star Original - International

The Fiery Priest 2

15 November

Disney+ Original

An Almost Christmas Story

20 November


SuperKitties: Su-Purr Adventures (Shorts)

22 November

Star Original

Jim Gaffigan: The Skinny


Amor Da Minha Vida

25 November


Tsunami: Race Against Time

New Episodes

Grey's Anatomy: Season 21 New episodes weekly on Saturdays

Doctor Odyssey New episodes weekly on Saturdays, finale 23 November

FX's What We Do in the Shadows: Season 6 New episodes weekly on Wednesdays

FX's American Sports Story: Aaron Hernandez New episodes weekly on Wednesdays, Finale 13 November

The Simpsons: Season 36 New episodes Tuesdays

Jeongnyeon: The Star is Born New episodes weekly on Sundays and Mondays, finale 18 November

The Judge from Hell Finale 3 November

Ayla & the Mirrors 5 x new episodes on 1 November

Bleach Sennen Kessen-Hen: Season 3 New episodes weekly on Sundays

Marvel's Spidey and his Amazing Friends: Season 3 New episodes on 6th, 13th, 27th November

Murai in Love New episodes on Wednesdays, Finale 20 November

Return to Las Sabinas New episodes weekdays

What's on Shudder in November

What's on Shudder in November

Here's what's streaming on Shudder in November.

What's on Shudder in November

The Creep Tapes – Shudder Original Series

Series Premieres Exclusively on Shudder and AMC+

Friday 15 November

From writers and executive producers Mark Duplass and Patrick Brice, The Creep Tapes continues to unravel the mind of a secluded serial killer who lures videographers into his world with the promise of a paid job documenting his life. Unfortunately, as the tape rolls, the killer’s questionable intentions surface with his increasingly odd behaviour and the victims will learn they may have made a deadly mistake.

Doc of Chucky – Shudder Original Documentary

Premieres Exclusively on Shudder and AMC+ Friday

1 November

The ultimate account of the Child’s Play film franchise and Chucky, a horror villain for the ages. With contributions from cast, crew, critics, historians, and experts, as well as clips, photographs, archival documents, behind-the-scenes footage, and more, experience the making-of story that proves you can’t keep a good guy down in a series of films that have created an icon.

Black Cab – Shudder Original Film

Film Premieres Exclusively on Shudder and AMC+

Friday 8 November

When Anne and Patrick hail a black cab after a night out their driver is chatty, jovial even, but they are in no mood to talk. In fact, the couple is barely on speaking terms. That is, until they realise the driver has no intention of taking them home. Locked in the cab with no means of escape, the driver transports the couple to a stretch of deserted and supposedly haunted road. But what is his purpose? Is he mad or just plain evil? And why has he selected Anne and Patrick as his victims? Starring Nick Frost (Shaun of the Dead).

Rita – Shudder Original Film

Film Premieres Exclusively on Shudder and AMC+

Friday 22 November

While fleeing a neglectful household, thirteen-year-old Rita is placed in an oppressive state-run orphanage. Rita’s arrival provides a glimmer of hope to the girls inside, who share a prophecy that an angel will appear to release them. Encouraged by one another, the girls plan an escape to claim their freedom and expose the orphanage’s abuses of power. Based on the true story behind one of Guatemala’s most harrowing tragedies, Rita shines a light on the brave orphans whose fight for survival inspired a nationwide outcry for justice and reform.

Out Come the Wolves – Shudder Original Film

Film Premieres Exclusively on Shudder and

AMC+ Friday 29 November


Retired hunter Sophie invites her fellow hunter and childhood best friend Kyle to her family’s secluded cabin deep in the woods. There, she plans for Kyle to meet and teach her fiancé Nolan how to hunt for an article he's writing and to share the news of their engagement. Tensions flare between Kyle and Nolan over their shared history with Sophie, escalating during the hunt that goes awry when they are ambushed by a vicious pack of territorial wolves. As alliances fracture under the pressure of survival, Sophie is forced to rely on her long-abandoned hunting prowess to face the deadly predators and save the one closest to her heart.

The J-Horror Virus

Film Premieres on Shudder and AMC+ Monday 4 November

Charting the origins of Japanese horror films at the turn of the millennium, films featuring vengeful ghosts manifesting themselves through contemporary technology against a backdrop of urban alienation and social decay.

What's on Neon in November

What's on Neon in November

Here's everything that's streaming on Neon in November.

What's on Neon in November

Dune: Prophecy S1 (November 18, 4pm)

Ten thousand years before the ascension of Paul Atreides, two Harkonnen sisters combat forces that threaten the future of humankind and establish the fabled sect that will become known as the Bene Gesserit.

Stars: Emily Watson, Olivia Williams, Travis Fimmel

Yellowstone S5B (November 11, 9PM)

The Dutton family fight to defend their ranch and way of life from constant attacks by those it borders - land developers, a Native American reservation, and the country's first National Park.

Stars: Wes Bentley, Kelly Reilly, Luke Grimes, Cole Hauser, Gil Birmingham

Outlander Season 7B (November 23, 6pm)

Former WWII combat nurse Claire Randall finds herself torn between two lives when she is mysteriously swept 200 years back in time to 1743 Scotland, where she meets a chivalrous Scottish warrior.

Stars: Caitríona Balfe, Graham McTavish, Nell Hudson, Steven Cree, Lotte Verbeek, Andrew Whipp, Layla Burns


Madame Web (November 8)

Cassandra Webb is a paramedic in Manhattan who develops clairvoyant abilities. Forced to confront her past, she forges a relationship with three young women destined for powerful futures... if they can all survive a deadly present.

Stars: Dakota Johnson, Sydney Sweeney, Isabela Merced

Dune: Part Two (November 29)

The saga continues as Paul Atreides unites with Chani and the Fremen on a path of revenge against the conspirators who destroyed his family. He must face a choice between the love of his life and the fate of the known universe.

Stars: Timothee Chalamet, Zendaya, Rebecca Ferguson, Josh Brolin, Austin Butler, Florence Pugh, Dave Bautista, Christopher Walken

Kung Fu Panda 4 (November 10)

Po needs to find and train a new Dragon Warrior, while a wicked sorceress plans to re-summon all the villains Po has vanquished to the spirit realm.

Voices of: Jack Black, Awkwafina, Bryan Cranston, James Hong, Ian McShane, Ke Huy Quan, Dustin Hoffman, Viola Davis

Wicked Little Letters (November 22)

When the residents of a seaside town start receiving letters full of strange obscenities, rowdy Irish migrant Rose is charged with the crime. Suspecting something amiss, thetown's women investigate. Based on a stranger than fiction true story.

Stars: Olivia Colman, Jessie Buckley, Anjana Vasan

Civil War (November 10)

In a dystopian future America, a team of military-embedded journalists race against time to reach Washington, D.C., before rebel factions descend upon the White House.

Stars: Kirsten Dunst, Wagner Moura, Cailee Spaeny, Stephen McKinley Henderson, Sonoya Mizuno, Nick Offerman, Jefferson White

The Fall Guy (November 30)

Fresh off an almost career-ending accident, a stuntman attempts to find a missing movie star, expose a conspiracy, and win back the love of his life. This film contains flickering or flashing lights that may affect those with photosensitive epilepsy.

Stars: Ryan Gosling, Emily Blunt, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Stephanie Hsu

What's new on Netflix in November

What's new on Netflix in November

Here's everything that's streaming on Netflix in November.


Premieres on November 7, 2024 

What's new on Netflix in November

Buried secrets surface as the Pogues race to find a legendary artifact — with a dangerous gang of rival treasure hunters hot on their trail.

Starring: Chase Stokes, Madelyn Cline, Rudy Pankow, Madison Bailey, Jonathan Daviss, Carlacia Grant, Drew Starkey, Austin North

Country of Origin: United States


Premieres on November 7, 2024 

Go inside Jake Paul and Mike Tyson's training camps and personal lives as they prepare for their must-see heavyweight boxing match live on November 16.

Starring: Jake Paul, Mike Tyson

Country of Origin: United States


Premieres on November 9, 2024 

Alliances are forged, allegiances are smashed and fresh dangers emerge as the battle between Piltover and Zaun inspires both glory and heartbreak.

Starring: Hailee Steinfield, Ella Purnell, Katie Leung, Kevin Alejandro, Brett Tucker

Country of Origin: United States


Premieres on November 13, 2024 

Fuelled by speed and determination, the world's top sprinters gather in Paris, ready to break records and compete for Olympic gold.

Country of Origin: United States


Premieres on November 15, 2024 

With the global tournament approaching, Daniel and Johnny work to rebuild their team. But old enemies and new threats stand in the way of victory.

Starring: Ralph Macchio, William Zabka, Martin Kove, Xolo Maridueña, Jacob Bertrand, Mary Mouser, Tanner Buchanan, Peyton List

Country of Origin: United States


LIVE at 11:00 AM AEDT November 16, 2024 

Jake Paul battles Mike Tyson as they headline this must-see boxing mega-event streaming live in five languages from AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas.

Starring: Jake Paul, Mike Tyson

Country of Origin: United States


Premieres on November 22, 2024 

Based on a true story, this drama follows three pioneering British scientists in the '60s and '70s and their struggle to develop IVF — against all odds.

Starring: Stephanie Beatriz, Ted Danson, Lilah Richcreek Estrada

Country of Origin: Great Britain


Premieres on November 22, 2024 

When a powerful spell turns her parents into giant monsters, a teenage princess must journey into the wild to reverse the curse before it's too late.

Starring: Rachel Zegler, John Lithgow, Jenifer Lewis, Nathan Lane, Tituss Burgess, with Javier Bardem, Nicole Kidman

Country of Origin: United States


Premieres on November 22, 2024 

A brewing battle over the fate of an heirloom piano threatens to tear a family apart in this drama based on August Wilson's Pulitzer Prize-winning play.

Starring: Samuel L. Jackson, John David Washington, Ray Fisher, Danielle Deadwyler, Michael Potts, Corey Hawkins

Country of Origin: United States


Premieres on November 27, 2024 

After discovering their significant others are siblings, two resentful exes must spend Christmas under one roof — while hiding their romantic history.

Starring: Lindsay Lohan, Ian Harding, Kristin Chenoweth, Tim Meadows, Jon Rudnitsky, Henry Czerny

Country of Origin: United States


Premieres in November, 2024 

A widowed professor gets a surprising new lease on life when a private detective hires him to go undercover inside a San Francisco retirement home.

Starring: Stephanie Beatriz, Ted Danson, Lilah Richcreek Estrada

Country of Origin: United States

Love Village: Season 2 5/11/2024

With over-the-hill vision, sleep-disrupting snoring and plenty of drama, mature singles move into a traditional house in Okinawa searching for true love.

Love Is Blind: Argentina 6/11/2024

The pods are open, and so are the hearts — now in Argentina. Who will make it past appearances in the experiment where saying "I do" comes sight unseen?

Outer Banks: Season 4: Part 2 7/11/2024

Buried secrets surface as the Pogues race to find a legendary artifact — with a dangerous gang of rival treasure hunters hot on their trail.

Countdown: Paul vs. Tyson 7/11/2024

Go inside Jake Paul and Mike Tyson's training camps and personal lives as they prepare for their must-see heavyweight boxing match live on Nov. 15.

Born for the Spotlight 7/11/2024

Chasing glamour, fame and artistry, women with a passion for acting must push the limits to pursue their dreams in the ruthless world of show business.

Bank Under Siege 8/11/2024

Spain, 1981: When armed men hold up a bank and take hundreds hostage, a reporter races against the authorities to uncover the true motive for the heist.

The Cage 8/11/2024

Dreaming of going pro, a young fighter struggles to be seen until an unexpected combat lands him a shot at the big time — and a brutal rival in the cage.

Mr. Plankton 8/11/2024

A man with little chance for happiness and his ex, the unhappiest bride-to-be, are forced to accompany one another on the final journey of his life.

Arcane: Season 2 9/11/2024

Alliances are forged, allegiances are smashed and fresh dangers emerge as the battle between Piltover and Zaun inspires both glory and heartbreak.

Rhythm + Flow: Brazil 12/11/2024

To wear the hip-hop crown, you'll need to rule the stage. Brazilian rappers face off in this competition featuring Filipe Ret, Djonga, Tasha and Tracie.

Sisters' Feud 13/11/2024

A woman's refusal to join her sister's twisted scheme sparks betrayal and revenge as she tries to reunite with her long-lost daughter in prison.

The Mothers of Penguins 13/11/2024

When her seven-year-old son is expelled from school, an MMA fighter realizes her toughest fight won't be in the octagon, but in parenthood.

SPRINT Part 2 13/11/2024

Fueled by speed and determination, the world's top sprinters gather in Paris, ready to break records and compete for Olympic gold.

Beyond Goodbye 14/11/2024

After a tragic accident takes the love of her life, Saeko feels oddly drawn to a stranger — who, unbeknownst to both, received her late fiancé's heart.

Cobra Kai: Season 6: Part 2 15/11/2024

With the global tournament approaching, Daniel and Johnny work to rebuild their team. But old enemies and new threats stand in the way of victory.

Zombieverse: New Blood 19/11/2024

The groundbreaking K-zombie series returns bolder than ever, with enhanced zombies, new members and wilder quests full of non-stop thrills and laughter.

Adoration 20/11/2024

When a 16-year-old girl vanishes, secrets come to light and disrupt a small community as her friends and family try to re-create her last movements.

Tex Mex Motors: Season 2 22/11/2024

With new faces, a bigger shop and a higher profit goal, the Borderland crew ventures deeper into Mexico to source rare and unique cars to fix and flip.

Rhythm + Flow: Season 2 20/11/2024

The search for the next face of hip-hop moves to Atlanta as global hitmakers Ludacris, Latto and DJ Khaled join the judging panel to mentor fresh talent.

When the Phone Rings 22/11/2024

No synopsis available

The Helicopter Heist 22/11/2024

Two childhood friends decide to try one last heist — to rob millions from Sweden's safest cash depot. But the police are already on their heels.

The Empress: Season 2 22/11/2024

As dark clouds gather over the Austrian Empire, the need to produce an heir for the throne puts Franz and Elisabeth's marriage to the test.

The Madness 28/11/2024

After a media pundit stumbles upon a dead body deep in the Poconos woods, he finds himself framed for the murder of a notorious white supremacist.

Asaf 28/11/2024

A father grapples with his divorce as he spins into a world of organized crime. With his son's life on the line, what will his next move be?

Is it Cake? Holiday 28/11/2024

Talented bakers, unbelievable illusions and joyful holiday vibes. Is It Cake? Holiday brings back nine All Star bakers from past seasons for the ultimate holiday showdown. Across four episodes, watch as bakers return to craft tasty replicas of ice skates, wreaths, nutcrackers and more in this holiday spin on the mind-bending baking competition. Bakers will baffle the celebrity judges with their festive and delicious deceptions and fight their way to the ultimate grand prize.

Love Never Lies: South Africa 29/11/2024

In South Africa’s first dating show of its kind, six couples face temptations — and a ruthless lie detector — in the ultimate relationship test.

Senna 29/11/2024

Fascinated by cars since childhood, Brazilian racer Ayrton Senna became a sports legend — until tragedy struck, changing Formula 1 forever.

A Man on the Inside Coming in November

A widowed professor gets a surprising new lease on life when a private detective hires him to go undercover inside a San Francisco retirement home.

The Later Daters Coming in November

Six golden singles learn the new rules of modern romance as they set out to find love and rediscover themselves in this heartfelt reality series.

The Trunk Coming in November

A secret marriage service is uncovered when a trunk washes up on the shore, revealing the strange marriage between a couple in the thick of it all.


Let Go 1/11/2024

A jaded mother makes a last-ditch effort to keep her family together by taking them on a trip to their teenage daughter's pole dancing competition.

Meet Me Next Christmas 6/11/2024

On a quest to meet the man of her dreams, a hopeless romantic races across New York City to find a ticket to a sold-out Pentatonix Christmas concert.

Pedro Páramo 6/11/2024

Based on Juan Rulfo's landmark novel, a man searches for his father, Pedro Páramo, in a town doomed by violence and the fury of a frustrated love.

10 Days of a Curious Man 7/11/2024

When a young woman goes missing in Istanbul, a jaded writer gets tangled up in a deadly chain of events as he sets out to find her — and a good story.

Vijay 69 8/11/2024

Vijay 69 is a quirky, slice-of-life film about a man who decides to compete in a triathlon at the age of 69! With Anupam Kher in the titular role, this comedy is produced by Maneesh Sharma and directed by Akshay Roy for YRF Entertainment

Umjolo: The Gone Girl 8/11/2024

A couple's seemingly perfect relationship falters when one of them learns about the other's infidelity — but who said that relationships were easy?

Hot Frosty 13/11/2024

When a young widow's magic scarf brings a dashing snowman to life, can he help her rediscover romance, laughter and holiday cheer before he melts away?

The Merry Gentlemen 20/11/2024

A big-city dancer stages an all-male, Christmas-themed revue to save her parents' small-town bar — and meets a guy who might have all the right moves.

GTMAX 20/11/2024

When a notorious gang of biker thieves recruits her brother for a heist, a former motocross champion must face her deepest fears to keep her family safe.

Maybe Baby 2 21/11/2024

When two couples learn that the fertility clinic didn't swap their eggs after all, they resolve to move in together and raise their kids collectively.

jOY 22/11/2024

Based on a true story, this drama follows three pioneering British scientists in the '60s and '70s and their struggle to develop IVF — against all odds.

The Piano Lesson 22/11/2024

A brewing battle over the fate of an heirloom piano threatens to tear a family apart in this drama based on August Wilson's Pulitzer Prize-winning play.

Our Little Secret 27/11/2024

After discovering their significant others are siblings, two resentful exes must spend Christmas under one roof — while hiding their romantic history.

The Snow Sister   29/11/2024

A young boy whose grieving family has forgotten about Christmas forms an unexpected, healing bond with a bubbly girl full of holiday spirit.


Adrienne Iapalucci: Dark Queen   12/11/2024

Comedian Adrienne Iapalucci takes aim at our public figures, awkward tribute tattoos, virtue signaling and more in this unfiltered stand-up special.

Adam Ray Presents: Dr. Phil UNPLUGGED 19/11/2024  No synopsis available

Anthony Jeselnik: Bones and All 26/11/2024

Anthony Jeselnik celebrates 20 years of delivering boundary-pushing comedy to the masses in this razor-sharp stand-up special.


It's All Over: The Kiss That Changed Spanish Football 1/11/2024

Spanish footballers come together for the first time to relive the turbulent 2023 Women's World Cup and the kiss that overshadowed their victory.

Investigation Alien 8/11/2024

In this gripping docuseries, legendary reporter George Knapp travels the globe to uncover new evidence about UFOs and investigate their presence on Earth.

Return of the King: The Fall and Rise of Elvis Presley 13/11/2024

He had one chance to show the world he was still the King of Rock 'n' Roll. Discover the story behind Elvis Presley's triumphant '68 comeback special.

The Lost Children 14/11/2024

After a plane crash, four indigenous children fight to survive in the Colombian Amazon relying on ancestral wisdom as a desperate rescue mission unfolds.

Buy Now: The Shopping Conspiracy 20/11/2024 No synopsis available

Our Oceans 20/11/2024

Discover the stories beneath the surface of the water in this stunning nature documentary series, which explores each of the Earth's five oceans.

900 Days Without Anabel 22/11/2024

Anabel Segura's abduction held Spain in suspense for 900 days. This docuseries explores the case through never-before-heard recordings of the kidnappers.

Cold Case: Who Killed JonBenét Ramsey  25/11/2024

Police missteps and a media circus derailed the JonBenét Ramsey murder case. This definitive docuseries chronicles the decades-long quest for justice.

Chef's Table: Volume 7 27/11/2024

Meet five world-class chefs who redefine culinary boundaries with delicious, innovative dishes honoring their diverse cultures and personal philosophies.


Spellbound 22/11/2024

When a powerful spell turns her parents into giant monsters, a teenage princess must journey into the wild to reverse the curse before it's too late.

Barbie Mysteries: The Great Horse Chase 1/11/2024

Best friends Brooklyn and Malibu race across Europe to solve a mystery when a show horse is stolen while they're on vacation in the English countryside.

The Fairly OddParents: A New Wish 14/11/2024

After moving to the city of Dimmadelphia with her parents, Hazel discovers that her next-door neighbors are magical fairy godparents in disguise!

Wonderoos: Season 2 18/11/2024

So many firsts! The Wonderoos are back and ready to learn as they navigate everyday adventures like getting a haircut, managing new feelings and more.

The Creature Cases: Chapter 4 25/11/2024

Ready to solve more animal mysteries? Team up with special agents Sam and Kit to crack new creature cases all over the world! 

Licensed Highlights

Hidden Figures 1/11/2024

Three brilliant African American women overcome bigotry and sexism to become the brains behind the launch of the first American astronaut into space.

Big Fat Liar 1/11/2024

Junior high students Jason and Kaylee take action when a greedy Hollywood producer turns Jason's essay into a hit film without giving him credit.

Warm Bodies 1/11/2024

When a zombie falls hard for a living girl, their meet-cute kick-starts a mysterious transformation that could mean big things for his undead brethren.

Dirty Jobs: Season 1   5/11/2024

Host Mike Rowe rolls up his sleeves and gets down and dirty on this series that explores all the toughest, grungiest jobs that someone just has to do.

Dirty Jobs: Season 2   5/11/2024

This series celebrates American workers who make a living doing disgusting – but indispensable – jobs.

The Resident: Season 6 8/11/2024

Love blooms between colleagues at Chastain, while Conrad contends with painful memories and Bell comes to terms with an uncertain future.

Alita: Battle Angel 8/11/2024 

A cyborg wakes up with a kind doctor at her side and no memory of her past. To learn who she is, she must traverse the treacherous postapocalyptic world.

Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves 12/11/2024

Fresh out of prison, a charming bard and his barbarian partner in crime gather an offbeat band of adventurers on a quest to retrieve a magical relic.

Abigail 10/11/2024 

After kidnapping a young ballerina, a sketchy crew hides out in an old mansion. But as the night drags on, they start questioning who’s really trapped.

Ready or Not 15/11/2024

A bride's romantic wedding night takes a terrifying turn when her wealthy and eccentric in-laws force her to play a gruesome game of hide-and-seek.

John Wick: Chapter 4 22/11/2024

A sadistic crime lord and a global cabal of killers stand in the way of a tormented assassin's freedom in the fourth entry in the "John Wick" saga.

Dune: Part Two 29/11/2024

Paul Atreides unites with Chani and the Fremen while seeking revenge against the conspirators who destroyed his family. Facing a choice between the love of his life and the fate of the universe, he must prevent a terrible future only he can foresee.

What's on Prime Video in November

What's on Prime Video in November

Here's everything streaming on Prime Video in November.

What's on Prime Video in November

There’s a lot more than meets the eye in Cross, when Alex Cross, a decorated D.C. homicide detective and forensic psychologist, tracks down a sadistic serial killer leaving a string of bodies strewn around the city. As the hunt continues, a mysterious threat from Alex’s past appears, aiming to destroy what he’s done to keep his grieving family, career, and life together.

Get ready for some chaos and adventure this November as we enter the world of Borderlands. Follow our motley crew, played by Cate Blanchett, Kevin Hart, Jack Black, Edgar Ramírez, Ariana Greenblatt, Florian Munteanu, Gina Gershon, and Jamie Lee Curtis, as they embark on a mission to find a missing girl…and possibly save the world while they’re at it.

All’s fair in love and war. Especially between step-siblings. Inspired by the ‘90s cult classic film of the same name, Cruel Intentions stars Sarah Catherine Hook and Aussie Zac Burgess in a tale of deception, wit, and reckoning.

Return to the Citadel universe in Citadel: Honey Bunny, experience a dystopian future America in Civil War, and watch past and present come together in My Old Ass.

For all this and more, please find highlights for November below.

On October 29th, the MGM service will be rebranded to MGM+ in Canada, Australia, Japan, France, Sweden and Poland. This will align with the recent rebrands that occurred across Europe, the UK, Latin America, and the United States, thereby completing the rollout of the MGM+ brand to all services worldwide. Currently, MGM+ is the second highest ranking Prime Video add-on subscription outside the US. Subscribers in these territories will get commercial-free access to MGM+’s curated lineup of legacy hit series and classic blockbuster movies.




Starring Aldis Hodge, Cross is a crime thriller series that follows ALEX CROSS, a decorated D.C. homicide detective and forensic psychologist who faces a sadistic serial killer leaving a string of bodies strewn around the city. As Alex and his partner, John Sampson (Isaiah Mustafa), track this killer, a mysterious threat from Cross’ past appears, aiming to destroy what he’s done to keep his grieving family, career, and life together. 

Cross stars Aldis Hodge, Isaiah Mustafa, Ryan Eggold, Alona Tal and Johnny Ray Gill.



Based on one of the best-selling videogame franchises of all time, welcome to Borderlands.

Lilith (Blanchett), an infamous bounty hunter with a mysterious past, reluctantly returns to her home, Pandora, the most chaotic planet in the galaxy. Her mission is to find the missing daughter of Atlas (Ramírez), the universe’s most powerful S.O.B. Lilith forms an unexpected alliance with a ragtag team of misfits – Roland (Hart), a seasoned mercenary on a mission; Tiny Tina (Greenblatt), a feral pre-teen demolitionist; Krieg (Munteanu), Tina’s musclebound protector; Tannis (Curtis), the oddball scientist who’s seen it all; and Claptrap (Black), a wiseass robot. Together, these unlikely heroes must battle an alien species and dangerous bandits to uncover one of Pandora’s most explosive secrets. The fate of the universe could be in their hands – but they’ll be fighting for something more: each other.

Borderlands stars Cate Blanchett, Kevin Hart,  Jack Black, Edgar Ramírez, Ariana Greenblatt, Florian Munteanu, Gina Gershon, and Jamie Lee Curtis. 



In this new adaptation, Cruel Intentions takes place at an elite Washington, D.C., college, where two ruthless step-siblings will do anything to stay on top of the cutthroat social hierarchy. After a brutal hazing incident threatens the entire Panhellenic system at their school, they’ll do whatever is necessary to preserve their power and reputation, even if that means seducing the daughter of the vice president of the United States.

Cruel Intentions stars Sarah Catherine Hook, Zac Burgess, Savannah Lee Smith, Sara Silva, Khobe Clarke, John Harlan Kim, Brooke Lena Johnson, and Sean Patrick Thomas.



Citadel: Honey Bunny has a riveting narrative that fuses the pulse-pounding elements of a gritty spy action thriller with the heartwarming allure of a love story, all set against the vibrant tapestry of the '90s. 

Honey Bunny is the Indian series within the Citadel universe.

Citadel: Honey Bunny stars Varun Dhawan, Samantha Ruth Prabhu, Kay Kay Menon, Simran, Soham Majumdar, Shivankit Singh Parihar, Kashvi Majmundar, Saqib Saleem and Sikandar Kher.



A journey across a dystopian future America, following a team of military-embedded journalists as they race against time to reach DC before rebel factions descend upon the White House.

Civil War stars Kirsten Dunst, Wagner Moura, Stephen McKinley Henderson, and Cailee Spaeny.



In this fresh coming-of-age story, an 18th birthday mushroom trip brings free-spirited Elliott (Maisy Stella) face-to-face with her wisecracking 39-year-old self (Aubrey Plaza). But when Elliott’s “old ass” starts handing out warnings about what her younger self should and shouldn’t do, Elliott realizes she has to rethink everything about family, love, and what’s becoming a transformative summer.

My Old Ass stars Maisy Stella, Aubrey Plaza, Percy Hynes White, Maddie Ziegler, Maria Dizzia and Kerrice Brooks.



Set in the proverbial boomtowns of West-Texas and a modern-day tale of fortune-seeking in the world of oil rigs, the series is an upstairs/downstairs story of roughnecks and wildcat billionaires that are fueling a boom so big it’s reshaping our climate, our economy and our geopolitics.

Landman stars Billy Bob Thornton, Jon Hamm, and Ali Larter.



In Cold Water: The Shelter Bay Mystery is a three-part series that recounts the case and investigation of the drowning of school teacher Laura Letts-Beckett in icy-cold water while on a fishing vacation in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. The only witness to the mysterious accident is her husband—a larger-than-life former New Zealand city councilor named Peter Beckett. A year later, her husband is arrested and charged with murder. Amid conflicting opinions and swirling suspicions, more shocking allegations of murder are made against a paranoid Peter who is locked in the fight of his life. What unfolds after his arrest is almost unbelievable. Was it a death shrouded in mystery, or was it something more sinister? This gripping true crime story takes viewers on a journey around the world and back.



Pimpinero is a gripping feature film written and directed by Andreìs Baiz (Satanaìs, The Hidden Face, Roa, “Narcos”, “Narcos: Meìxico”, “Griselda”) that takes audiences on an intense, emotional journey as it follows three brothers — Moiseìs (Juanes), Ulises (Alberto Guerra), and Juan (Alejandro Speitzer)— as they descend into the intrigue, corruption, and moral chaos of the organized crime world. Alongside them is Diana (Laura Osma), a resilient and rebellious young woman on her own quest for truth. The pervasive smell of gasoline serves as a metaphor for the film’s volatile atmosphere, where ignited fires lead to irreversible consequences.

Pimpinero stars Alberto Guerra, Alejandro Speitzer, Laura Osma and Juanes.






LIBRE (MOVIE) 1/11/24



SHREK (MOVIE) 5/11/24

MY OLD ASS (MOVIE) 7/11/24



SHREK 2 (MOVIE) 12/11/24

CROSS S1 (TV) 14/11/24

LANDMAN (TV) 18/11/24

PREY (MOVIE) 15/11/24


PIMPINERO (TV) 22/11/24

THE TRIBE (TV) 22/11/2

CIVIL WAR (MOVIE) 29/11/24

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What’s on Neon in April

What’s on Neon in April Here’s everything that’s streaming on Neon in April. The Last of Us Season 2 (Mondays from 1pm from April 14) Five y...