Dead Rising 3: XBox One: Review
Released by CAPCOM
Platform: XBox One
Zombies, eh?
They don't half get around - and in this latest launch title for the XBox One, man,oh man are they everywhere...
In Dead Rising 3, you're playing Nick Ramos, and the aim is to basically survive. It begins in Los Perdidos with details of how the outbreak spread, and then you're plunged right into the middle of it with one single aim - to ensure you get out alive.
Grabbing anything that might be lying around and using that as a makeshift bash weapon is a good start, but you can also get a bit smarter playing as Nick as the game goes on. Plot wise, there's a bit going on but not much that's not been seen before - and quite frankly, it's really all about the survival as you go through the various chapters and levels of the game.
The thing is with Dead Rising 3, the next gen console's really come to life with its rendering of what's going on. Usually, zombie outbreaks are pretty much confined to a large gathering here and there and chance to manoeuvre yourself out of any given situation. Here, the emphasis is on the large - I've never seen so many hungry chomping creatures desperate to get at you as the survival instinct kicks in.
There are several moments where the sheer number of biters really catches you out - and as you make your way from one part of the level to the next, you've really got to plan what you're doing, be it jumping from cars or staying elevated, because there is nothing worse than when the undead surround you and you're somewhat lacking in equipment to see any of them off.
Talking of equipment, throughout the game, there are chances to combine weapons which are scattered around to make deadlier pieces to take out the zombies. Getting to craft these in the actual game rather than at set stations certainly helps, and I've found Nick works better when surrounded by a group defending him - funnily enough, having your limbs torn off tends to put a crimp on creativity....
Survivors need your help - and you can also jump in cars to plough through the hordes - though it gets tricky if the creatures manage to really get a hold on your vehicle, leading to all kinds of problems.
At the end of the day, Dead Rising 3 won't reinvent the wheel when it comes to zombie games - the best thing about it is that it throws so many of the blasted things at you, you realise that hacking and slashing your way to safety isn't always as easy as it's made out to be.
Recommended for a good solid antidote and cure to having to deal with the hordes at the malls in the run up to Christmas, Dead Rising 3 is a blast.

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