Friday, 31 August 2012

First Night: DVD Review

First Night: DVD Review

Rating: M
Released by Universal Home Entertainment

Richard E Grant, who normally can do no wrong, stars in this piece about a rich industrialist and frustrated opera singer, Adam, who wants to stage a performance of Mozart's Cosi Fan Tutti at his estate.

So he flies in a bunch of opera nuts, as well as conductor, Celia, played by actual singer Sarah Brightman to whip them all into shape for the event.

However, passions are lurking behind the scenes in this piece - and soon the farce is afoot.

First Night is a slightly embarrassing affair - it's over the top, farcical and too silly nature mean that it's more cringeworthy than award worthy.

The plot is standard screwball rom-com silly fare, and is straight out of the 1970s British sitcom with its mix ups, misunderstandings and miscellaneous mischief. Throw in the fact that the actors *cough* sing as well (Some of them do and some don't) then you can see where this is going.

Richard E Grant is so over the top, and is clearly not singing that it's almost amusing, but the others who sing along with the opera give such good mime performances, that singers on shows like Top of the Pops would be impressed.

Ultimately, First Night is a comedy with humour back from the 1970s - and while it may have a charm to some, I personally found it irksome, annoying and couldn't wait for it to end.


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