Friday, 31 August 2012

More Dredd images revealed - and brand new Dredd clip

More Dredd images revealed

We're heading ever closer to the October NZ release of the brand new Dredd 2012 movie, starring Karl Urban as Judge Joe Dredd and Olivia Thirlby as Judge Cassandra Anderson.

I've seen the film but am under a sworn embargo not to say anything about it - however, I will reveal that fans of 2000AD can breathe a sigh of relief.

Full Dredd movie review will be up 21st September when the embargo passes- but for now and new to New Zealand audiences, here's a few new shots from the Dredd movie, featuring Lean Headey as Ma-Ma and a new shot of Dredd and Anderson.

There's also a brand new clip of Dredd 3D with Karl Urban uttering an iconic line.

Dredd 3D hits NZ cinemas on October 4th.

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