Doctor Who: The Underwater Menace: DVD Review
Rating: G
So, here it is then, the very final classic series Doctor Who DVD Release.
Well, until they find more missing episodes that is.
This release from Patrick Troughton's Second Doctor years sees the Doctor taking on a mad professor who's hell-bent on raising Atlantis from the seas.
Given that the two stories before this are of the new Doctor, The Underwater Menace is the first real look at Mr Troughton's cosmic hobo and even though half of it's missing and replaced with telesnaps, it still provides a tale worth diving into.
If you know 60s Doctor Who, you know what to expect - a raft of great ideas with some wobbly execution, but The Underwater Menace proves to be a serial that's worth diving into the waters of home viewing for - and is essential for collectors of Who alike.
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