Saturday, 19 June 2010

Jennifer's Body: DVD Review

Jennifer's Body: DVD Review

Jennifer's Body
Released by Roadshow Entertainment
Rating: M

You would have thought that the combination of Megan Fox and a script from Diablo Cody, the genius who wrote Juno would be a sure fire winner.
Jennifer's Body sees Megan Fox as Jennifer a high school girl who's BFFs with Amanda Seyfried's Needy - they're yin and yang to each other. Needy's the dowdy one and Jennifer's the one who garners all the high school lads' attention.
One day, attending a concert at a local tavern, the pair narrowly escape an inferno which kills plenty of the local population.
But Jennifer returns from the night a different person - and with an insatiable appetite for seducing and boys&.in more ways than one. Needy gradually begins to realize that she needs to be stopped before it's too late.
Jennifer's Body is a strange film. It pitches somewhere between smart quippy dialogue with Cody's trademark use of hipster slang and B grade horror. Plus the camera lingers on every inch of Megan Fox's body - which will score points with certain sectors of the core teen boy audience.
But it's a slightly off key mix - and the end result feels more like a B grade horror which tries a little bit too often to be serious. It could have been a slightly more vicious satire on the high school life but doesn't quite add up. The frenemies plot works well and Amanda Seyfried and Megan Fox gel together as BFFs.
Chalk this one up to a great idea and central premise which failed to live up to its potential.
Extras: 2 versions of the film - the theatrical and extended version sees an extra 5 minutes added in. Plus deleted scenes and a gag reel round off the package.

Rating: 5/10

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