Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Dr Who - Revisitations 3 DVD Review

Rating: PG
Released by BBC And Roadshow Home Entertainment

So, another release for the very first DVDs from the classic Dr Who series DVD range which celebrates its 50th anniversary next year.

The MO of these Revisitations set is simple - head back to the earlier releases from the range, give them a polish up and a once over, chuck together some new special features which were missing the first time around and get them out on the shelves.

This upgraded special edition release could potentially be the last of the range (for now anyway) and collects together some fan faves - the Tomb of the Cybermen from 1967 and starring Patrick Troughton; the Three Doctors, the tenth anniversary story from 1973 and starring all three of the Drs and The Robots of Death, an iconic Tom Baker adventure from the 1970s.

They're lovingly given a fresh digital polish and so, consequently all look very good in the format; granted the adventures are what you'd expect from the series - some moments are hit and miss and others are etched permanently in your memory.

But the real reason for these sets is the extra content and I have to admit this time around, while the supporting material is good, it's not exactly stand out quality. Whereas the past two sets have had a central documentary which was the main pull of the releases, this time around, the solid special features are just that - and relatively unspectacular.

That's not to say they're unwatchable and not entertaining - they're simply not of the calibre of previous releases but offer a good solid insight into the making of the show, which is still so beloved.

All in all, Revisitations 3 is to be frank, a must if you're a Who fan - although you may not love it as much as the other two releases but you will appreciate and treasure it as the years go by.


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