Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Brendhan Lovegrove: Comedy Festival Review

Brendhan Lovegrove - Bury Me Happy

There’s just something irrepressible about Mr Brendhan Lovegrove.

His caustic wit and straight to the point attitude has been tearing up the comedy scene for a long time – and he’s been brought to wider audiences thanks to the brilliance of comedy show A Night At The Classic (returning later this year we’re promised).

So, a new show called Bury Me Happy is a welcome sight on the comedy festival circuit for one of the seasoned pros.

But if you think he’s mellowing as time goes on, you’d be dead wrong (aside from one moment of sincerity at the end of the show).

A raucous crowd gave as good as they got on opening night at Auckland’s Loft at Q and Lovegrove lapped it up as he talked about jealousies over the success of the Conchords and the Nek Minnit guy, how people dislike things on Youtube, the Occupy movements and a smattering of (literal) toilet humour.

That’s the thing with Brendhan though – thanks to such a motormouth delivery, he can cover so much and with such sheer quick wit, you really do need to keep up.

But the rewards are plentiful – every zinger he dispensed last night hit the target, regardless of whether it was PC or otherwise. Nostalgic look backs at phones, worries over getting old and alcoholism all got a mention – and each one in a hysterically funny way and each one in a way which leaves you collapsed with laughter.

Brendhan’s an effortless pro and a consummate pro; he’s also the kind of guy that you can’t help but warm to even when he’s being as foul as he has a tendency to be; thanks to a cheeky grin and a glint in his eye, it’s pointless to be offended at him – even if you’re on the end of a barrage of comments.

It’s an intense show – and at the end, it’s also a slightly more personal one than I’m used to with Brendhan. Taking in his alcoholism, he recites the Rifleman’s Creed and how that relates to his life; but just when you think he’s about to get completely soppy, he heads so far in the other direction that the wrongfooting is just hilarious.

But with a dedication and explanation as to why he’s sobered up, comes a new Lovegrove; a Lovegrove who’s willing to bare his soul on the stage rather than hide behind a vitriolic veneer. It’s a poignant personal touch and a surprise from the mirth-master and rogeuish charmer, who’s simply blistering this year and once again, on fire. 

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