London 2012: PS3 Review
Released by SEGA
Platform: PS3
The eyes of the world are on London for the launch of the 2012 Olympic Games this month - and the eyes of the gaming world are on SEGA for the launch of their computer version of the Games.
Traditionally, sporting tie ins (be they official or otherwise) have had a somewhat chequered past offering very little in terms of decent quality and reeking more of a cash in than something to aspire to.
Thankfully, London 2012 is a rather classy affair and not a cheap one night stand in a grubby part of London.
Mixing track and field and a sensible use of the SIAXIS controller, there's plenty of scope for you to try and excel as you take on the guise of various nations. Events require you to either mash the X button or flick the left and right analogue controllers back and forward. But be aware, this is no Hyper Sports styled wreck the controller (and give yourself RSI) to win the games.
Thanks to a bit of smarts here and there, you have to plan a little of a strategy as you try to perfect the simplistic controls. It may be easy to flick the left analogue stick in say the discus, but if you don't get the timing and the angle right, you're just wasting your time. Practice is what's needed for these games and it pays off in spades.
While the crowds are a little anonymous and blobby like Monet paintings, the attention to detail from the competitors' side is to be applauded. Contestants acknowledge the thronged amorphous masses and national anthems pour out when you win gold - there's a level of detail which has been put in which has given this an authentic feel and one which makes London 2012 stand out on the console gaming front.
You can take single events, run a Games schedule (Qualifying in the morning, finals in the afternoon) or get involved in some team events. Complete with commentary, nice cutaways of the venues and area, this is a sporting game which actually gives the feel of an event. Throw in multiplayer action for events, some MOVE gaming, nice replays, smart music and the chance to retry here and there and London 2012 is pretty much one of the best sporting games I've played since HyperSports on the Commodore 64 all those years ago.
Authentic and giving you the chance to get caught up with the pomp and ceremony of the Olympics, but without the bank-crippling travel costs, London 2012 is a welcome addition to the podium of sporting games.

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