Monday, 9 July 2012

LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes: PS3 Review

LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes: PS3 Review

Released by Travellers Tales
Platform: PS3

It's a big year for the Bat - what with The Dark Knight Rises movie review waiting in the wings as the trilogy wraps up, there seems to be so much hype and expectation on what the series can deliver.

So it is with Travellers Tales - the expectation on them to continue the phenomenally popular LEGO series is high as well. After the relative success of the Harry Potter game and the relative creative lacklustre Pirates of the Caribbean, it was almost as if the whole LEGO gaming (smash bricks, collect studs, watch silent cut-scenes, laugh and repeat) was starting to reach saturation point.

Thankfully though, the minds behind the bricks went away and have come back with LEGO Batman 2, which to be frank is quite possibly the best LEGO game yet (though I have high hopes for the series with the launch of the Lord of The Rings game later this year).

In this radical reboot of the series, the characters now talk during scenes, the world has been opened up to be one massive sandbox to play in and the gaming has been upped a level.

When Bruce Wayne grabs the Man of the Year award, his accolade sends Joker into a rampage which sees most the baddies of the Bat world escape from Arkham. But Joker's not alone on his quest as this time, he's joined by Lex Luthor who gives him a brick destroying device which could signal the end of the world for everyone. So once again, it's upto Batman and Robin to try and save the day.....along with a little help from a certain Superman.

What to say about LEGO Batman 2?
It's initially overwhelming, to be honest, as the scope of the world of Gotham becomes apparent - quite hard to track down exactly what you're supposed to do and what needs to be achieved. 

Thankfully, the use of arrows here and there and a few hints make it obvious in the open world, before it settles into some more familiar level missions. But these aren't the familiar missions you've come to expect - sure, you have to grab bricks, collect studs etc but there's more emphasis on a running story and a co-operative play as well which adds a level of fun and achievement to the end of each section.

Graphically, it's impressive as the sandbox scope of the world becomes apparent - Traveller's Tales really have upped the ante for these games and I can't wait to see what they do next.

The biggest boon though is the talking cut scenes which blend the trademark LEGO cartoonery feel with a more cinematic story with ambitious scope - plus they give it character. When Superman appears, Robin's giddily excited but Batman's a little jealous and sulky - it gives the story a bit of a smirking feel and a humour which was starting to be missed from the previous games.

Sure, there are occasional bumps in the game with characters getting stuck in scenery and some times difficult to navigate but there's little else to complain about. Plenty of suit changes for Batman and Robin mean the obstacles can be defeated with a bit of thought and planning - it's good to see the strategy thrown back into the series and gives it the feel that this latest LEGO game is for adults too - as opposed to the last stretches of the series which have become a little too babyish.

There's hours of gameplay in this - and the promise of more DC characters show up as the game progresses - but LEGO Batman 2 is simply the best LEGO Game yet. It's got heaps of charm, offers plenty of depth and engagement and restores your faith that the LEGO franchise certainly has a hell of a future ahead of it.


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