Wednesday, 31 August 2022

3000 Years of Longing: Movie Review

3000 Years of Longing: Movie Review

Cast: Tilda Swinton, Idris Elba
Director: George Miller

George Miller's story about stories settles for somewhat of a more philosophical and talkative approach to its subject, illustrated solely with flashbacks.

3000 Years of Longing: Movie Review

Swinton is narratologist Alithea Binnie, a lonely divorcee who discovers a bottle on a trip to Istanbul, which houses a Djinn (played with sonorous delight by Idris Elba). Loosening off the top of the bottle, the Djinn is obliged to give Binnie three wishes, and gain his own freedom. 

However, she's aware of the trickster nature of Djinn and so a discourse begins with the Djinn illustrating his past masters and their wishes...

3000 Years of Longing has moments of wonder, whimsy and whizzbang to boot as Miller adapts A S Byatt's novella, The Djinn in the Nightingale's Eye.

From some impressive FX once the genie's literally out of the bottle, Miller's got some visual tricks up his sleeve to conjure an audience into a stupor. But unfortunately, that's about it because most of what occurs is Westernised views of ancient Babylonian life and views of the far east.

3000 Years of Longing: Movie Review

Elba's mellifluousness is enough to soothe any aural worries, but the stories which are told are just that - stories. They lack an emotional heft, despite their central themes being about longing, love, and people's place in their worlds and others - there's plenty to weave a rich tapestry here, but not all of it comes to enough fruition, and in parts borders on obsession.

The hotelroom-set discourse of the Djinn and his would-be master is rich, with Swinton and Elba relishing scenes together, and delivering where the flawed film fails.

But despite the lavish touches of colour, the fantastical edges of the Arabian Nights style stories and the occasional flashes of visual flourish, Miller doesn't have enough on hand to deliver a conclusion that's strong enough to linger in the mind's eye.

Tuesday, 30 August 2022

Orphan: First Kill: Movie Review

Orphan: First Kill: Movie Review

Cast: Isabelle Fuhrman, Julia Stiles, Matthew Finlan, Rossif Sutherland

Director:  William Brent Bell

There are some movies which house a devilish twist, a sleight of hand that changes everything you think you know about the characters you've invested time in.

Orphan: First Kill: Movie Review

2009's Orphan was one such film - a tale about an orphan child seemingly housed in an idyllic family desperate to love a youngster, its twist was an audacious one that gave the movie a propulsive edge.

But it's impossible to follow that with any other film, knowing full well that the trick that the child Esther was actually a homicidal maniac with a health condition is already revealed.

Sadly William Brent Bell's muddied direction, an awful lens filter and a film that waits for a twist to be unveiled means that Orphan: First Kill isn't quite the killer prequel you'd be hoping for.

Set in 2007, it's the story of how Isabelle Fuhrman's Leena breaks out of an Estonian institute and becomes the Esther of the 2009 Jaume Collet-Serra movie. Escaping to America, Esther becomes ensconced in the wealthy home of Julia Stiles and Rossif Sutherland's Tricia and Allen Albright, as it appears their missing daughter has finally come home.

Orphan: First Kill is a film of two halves - and in truth, it becomes a better film in its back half as its true hand is unveiled. 

It makes an intriguing use of a character and situation that you may already have preconceived ideas of and turns it all on its head, with a storytelling swing that really changes everything.

But getting to that point is a real slog.

It may only be a 90 minute film, but muddied lensing with everything covered in a foggy filter makes you think the movie's out of focus - it's disorienting and distracting. Early pacing of the film swings violently from one extreme to the other; from an initial break out sequence that's full of the requisite jump scares and terror moments, the film becomes a predictable slog of psychological one upmanship.

With some awful dialogue (one character screaming the phrase "Midget Grifter" is memorable for all the wrong reasons) and narrative misfires, there's a lot to dislike in Orphan: First Kill.

But there's also a lot to like too.

Julia Stiles is on a career high in this role, a mother who will stop at nothing to protect her family. She delivers a gritty performance that moves through a gamut of moments with ease.

And Fuhrman, thanks to some cleverly shot scenes, delivers touches that are welcome.

Ultimately though, Orphan: First Kill just isn't the psychological horror you'd hope for, and it's less than the sum of its parts. It may be that lightning doesn't strike twice, but this prequel comes close to capturing some of the magic - and then squanders it.

Monday, 29 August 2022

Muru: Movie Review

Muru: Movie Review

Billed as a "response", not a recreation of raids on the Tūhoe tribe through the years, director Tearepa Kahi's charged journey into the action of October 2007 is as volatile a powderkeg as ever you're going to see.

Centring on Cliff Curtis' Community support police officer Sergeant Taffy’ Tawharau, the film builds up a picture of a community under the watchful eye of its masters, and also in the sights of a government determined to take out its leader Tame Iti and his disciples in the wake of seditious comments.

Muru: NZIFF Review

Against a backdrop of anti-terrorism laws, some political climbing and career opportunities within the police's armed teams and a frustration that outside forces don't understand the internal politics and human faces of the region, Taffy finds himself caught squarely in the middle of what will turn out to be an extraordinarily bad day.

From driving around his community in a bus, transporting school kids and aunties to health appointments, as well as trying to deal with a loose cannon in the community, Taffy has it all to juggle - and Curtis delivers it all with superior aplomb.

Seizing in on the humanity of the situation, Kahi builds a house of volatility, fuelling the fire, but never over-milking it for effect. Expanding the scale of his filmmaking, Kahi moves into action movie territory in parts, with a soundtrack building to an explosive conclusion. But just as the audience believes the film will go one way, a simple holding back of the tension proves to be devastating.

It's not all perfect. 

There's clearly not room for nuance in the Government side here - and Kahi isn't really interested in ensuring a fairness from those in power. After all, the film is a response, not a measured expose of what happened - but by balancing this with the humanity of all those caught in the day and led by Curtis' Taffy, the imbalance is just about rectified.

Unfortunately, Manu Bennett is the weak link here, his character clearly seeming to think the brief is like something from an 80s revenge movie, and the lack of subtlety and almost OTT edges to the acting make him stand out like a sore thumb from the quieter more refined tones of Curtis, Simone Kessell et al.

Using children as a foil for the humour in the horror proves to be the relief that's needed, but it's in Muru's compassion that the film gains its strengths.

From a confrontational start to an emotionally devastating end, Muru has a rollercoaster of a journey to endure - and audiences will perhaps be surprised how much they're swept up in it, no matter what politics or affiliations they may hold.

Sunday, 28 August 2022

Cult of the Lamb: PS5 Review

Cult of the Lamb: PS5 Review

Developed by Massive Monster
Published by Devolver Digital
Platform: PS5

In terms of story, Cult of the Lamb has little.
Cult of the Lamb: PS5 Review

You play a possessed lamb who's saved from death by a stranger named "The One Who Waits." Saved from the afterlife, and given a second lease of life, all you have to do is save others, and cultivate a cult following.

Heading out to other worlds, and tackling enemies, while gathering coin and resources, it's up to you to free more would-be followers, who will wait patiently for you to return and deliver your sermons as well as do your every bidding.

It's simplicity incarnate, and with a simply-executed aesthetic as well, the game more than delivers what you'd expect of it.

But despite the repetition of the levels, and the degrees you're expected to go through for what is nothing more than a management sim (herd the followers, feed them, lecture them, impress them), Cult of the Lamb's playable simplicity means it's deceptively easy to simply get on with.

With cutesy visuals and easy gameplay, this dark ritual of a game is one worth undergoing. There will be some for whom the repetition will be a deadly chore, and for whom the constant management of the followers will prove to be tedious.
Cult of the Lamb: PS5 Review

However, Cult of the Lamb makes each of its levels short enough for you to play to make you feel like each escapade is worthy of the break away from the maintenance. Like any dungeon crawler it's about seeing how far you can get with a simple fight mechanism. For some that simple way of battling won't be worth the effort, but if you're willing to forego the lack of complexity, Cult of the Lamb makes it worthwhile.

Tarot cards give you random powers, and weapons and there's enough of the random varieties to keep things engaging throughout. It's also amusing how the terrifying boss level enemies you face (and can dispatch simply with button-mashing) at the end of each level turn into a cutesy follower for you to recruit.

Ultimately, Cult of the Lamb is a lot more than just Lamb,bam, thank you maam - it takes a bit of time to build your flock, tend to them and also keep everything going.

Thankfully a mix of simplicity and nice art style as well as ease of gameplay makes this one indie to dive into - and sacrifice your gaming soul for.

Saturday, 27 August 2022

The Invitation: Movie Review

The Invitation: Movie Review

Cast: Nathalie Emmanuel, Thomas Doherty, Hugh Skinner. Sean Pertwee

Director: Jessica M Thompson

Re-skinning the idea of Dracula but with nothing more than anaemia, The Invitation fails to really deliver any bite outside of a solidly impressive Nathalie Emmanuel from Game of Thrones.

Emmanuel is orphan Evelyn, a down on her luck New York struggling artist who on a whim does a DNA ancestry test only to discover she has a wealthy set of relatives in the UK. Meeting with Skinner's Oliver, Evie is convinced to go and attend a wedding in the UK - despite Evie's best friend warning against it.

The Invitation: Movie Review

However, Evie's charmed by the Lord of the Manor, Walt (Doherty, channeling early Julian McMahon) and soon finds herself caught up in a curse thousands of years old.

The Invitation is a darkly frustrating affair, that feels like Twilight took on Dracula, and nobody won.

Mixing young adult dialogue with utterly insane character choices that ramp up levels of camp and stupidity with equal aplomb, the film swiftly settles for seeing what goes on in the shadows and casting aside its much better African-American enters white household social satire cum horror.

Things aren't much improved by Thompson's somewhat limp direction with darkness being the choice for suspense and horror scenes and with every twist coming as expected.

With a slow pace, this is less a Gothic marvel and more a Renaissance bore - Emmanuel makes Evie watchable enough, even if the script plays up her sympathies and seems to offer parallels with a young Meghan Markle entering the royal household.

The final 10 minutes offer some kind of hope for the story, but by then, all the life and blood from the film have drained beyond recognition and The Invitation limps toward well and truly outstaying its welcome.

Friday, 26 August 2022

Samaritan: Movie Review

Samaritan: Movie Review

Cast: Sylvester Stallone, Pilou Asbaek, Javon 'Wanna' Walton

Director: Julius Avery

Granite City, Michigan - a city on the edge.

After years of depression, the city's a powderkeg and was once the scene of a legendary showdown between superheroes Samaritan and Nemesis. Twin brothers, whose moral paths went different ways after their parents were murdered in a house fire, they were involved in one final showdown of good vs evil.

Samaritan: Movie Review

Ending in their apparent demise, Javon Walton's Sam believes that it's not true and Samaritan survived the fatal showdown. Trapped in grimy apartment blocks, Sam's a dreamer and his fantasy is further fuelled by an obsession with Stallone's refuse worker Joe....

Samaritan has promise.

The idea of a superhero living the life of a recluse in our midst isn't a bad one at all. And certainly the aging superhero trope is a genre barely explored on the big screen, despite finding its way more into comic lore.

Whereas a film like Logan explored that concept with depth, Samaritan is more interested in the idea of saddling Stallone's  character with a fatherless kid who's looking for a father figure, and trying to sow the seeds of a city-wide insurgency.

And then rarely doing anything new with it.

As the villain, Asbaek has little to do except deliver a character less take on Tom Hardy's Bane - even down to the costuming. Stallone fares equally badly too skulking around in a Hoodie jacket combo you already saw Bruce Willis modeling in Unbreakable.

That's the frustration of Samaritan - it feels so familiar and so rote that it barely offers anything new.

Narratively, there comes a point when you realize the only to enliven proceedings would be to do one simple thing.

But when the film does that (too spoilers to discuss here), it doesn't help the story come to life.

Samaritan may have has promise and allure  but despite its namesake, this is not a film to be charitable about - it's a frequently tiresome affair.

Thursday, 25 August 2022

Beast: Movie Review

Beast: Movie Review

Cast: Idris Elba, Sharlto Copley, Leah Jeffries, Iyana Halley

Director: Baltasar Kormákur

Essentially a family melodrama (lion after revenge after pride slaughtered, family struggling after grievous loss) transplanted to the South African jungle, Beast is a case of doing exactly what it says on the tin - nothing more and nothing less.

Elba stars as the recently-widowed Dr Nate Samuels, who takes his two daughters (Jeffries and Halley) to the plains of South Africa to catch up with an old mate Martin Battles (Copley, in one of his most human roles for years).

Beast: Movie Review

But on arrival, Battles discovers a village full of slaughtered people after a lion attack - and within moments all four of them are fighting for their lives as they realise in horror "We're in his territory now...."

It's not disrespecting Beast to say it's competent - it's a 90 minute film that knows what it wants to do and does it.

While you're either all in for the CGI lion and the squabbles that will ensue between a fractured family is entirely up to you. 

Kormákur goes all in, ratcheting up the tension and jump scares as characters intone in horror "The lion's gone rogue" and generally makes the film the equivalent of a pride-set slasher film on the plains.

That means characters do dumb things, there are lulls in the action as the necessary emotional drama is played predictably out, and there is sacrifice to be had in amongst a redemption and anti-poaching message.

But in amongst all of the predictability lies an affably rugged Elba, willing to sacrifice his all for the film and go along with the absurdities for the audiences' sake. 

Beast isn't exactly the most original film, but with a solid eye for what a thriller of its ilk should deliver, Kormákur makes sure that whilst it's not entirely memorable long term, it's a short term adrenaline hit to see us all through an ongoing cinematic seasonal lull. 

Wednesday, 24 August 2022

What's on Neon in September

What's on Neon in September

Here's everything coming to Neon in September.
What's on Neon in September

The Handmaid's Tale Season 5

June faces consequences for her actions while struggling to redefine her identity and purpose. Serena attempts to raise her profile in Toronto as Gilead's influence creeps into Canada. Commander Lawrence works with Nick and Aunt Lydia as he tries to reform Gilead and rise in power. June, Luke and Moira fight from a distance as they continue their mission to save Hannah. 
Starring Elisabeth Moss (Mad Men, Top of the Lake), Max Minghella (The Mindy Project, Spiral: From the Book of Saw), Bradley Whitford (Get Out, The West Wing), Yvonne Strahovski (Dexter, Stateless), Samira Wiley (Orange is the New Black), Ann Dowd (Masters of Sex), Madeline Brewer (Black Mirror) and O-T Fagbenle (Black Widow, The First Lady). 

American Gigolo

A present-day reimagining of the iconic 1980 film, following Julian Kaye (Jon Bernthal) after his wrongful conviction release from 15 years in prison as he navigates his complicated relationships with his former lover Michelle (Gretchen Mol), his troubled mother, and the people who betrayed him. While Julian struggles to reconcile the escort he was in the past and the man he is today, Detective Sunday (Rosie O'Donnell) seeks the truth about the murder that sent Julian to prison all those years ago, unearthing a much larger conspiracy along the way. 
American Gigolo 
Starring Jon Bernthal (We Own This City, The Many Saints of Newark), Gretchen Mol (Mozart in the Jungle, Boardwalk Empire), Leland Orser (Ray Donovan), and Rosie O'Donnell (The Rosie O'Donnell Show, I Know This Much Is True). 

Nikheel Katira is a gifted psychiatric nurse at Wakefield Hospital in Australia's picturesque Blue Mountains. There's just one problem - while his patients are getting better, Nik's grip on reality is starting to slip. 
Starring Rudi Dharmalingam (The Lazarus Project), Mandy McElhinney (Bad Mothers), Geraldine Hakewill (Ms Fisher’s Modern Murder Mysteries) and Sam Simmons. 


New Amsterdam

Inspired by the oldest public hospital in America, this unique medical drama follows the brilliant and charming Dr Max Goodwin - a man determined to tear up the bureaucracy and breathe new life into the underappreciated 
facility. The show's final season sees Max nursing his own broken heart and the rest of the overworked doctors struggling to provide quality care for their patients. 

After their time in Europe, Earn, Paper Boi, Darius, and Van attempt to get their lives back to normal in Atlanta. Unfortunately, this proves easier said than done. Has Atlanta changed, or have they? Starring Donald Glover (Community), Brian Tyree Henry (How to Get Away with Murder), Lakeith Stanfield (Selma, Straight Outta Compton) and Zazie Beetz (Deadpool 2). 

Louis Theroux: Drinking to Oblivion 
At a time when alcohol-related deaths are on the rise, Louis heads to Europe's largest liver transplant centre, King's College Hospital in London, to see first-hand the critical physical side effects of alcoholism and the challenges doctors, patients and their families face in trying to treat it. 


Follow the hits and, more often than not, the misses of two hapless, dead-broke contract killers who frankly are more of a danger to themselves than to anyone else. Each episode sees Fran and Jamie try to track down and kill a different target. But every hit turns into a comedy of errors with mistaken identities, mistimed entrances, and misfiring weapons. Starring Sue Perkins and Mel Giedroyc. 

Louis Theroux: Miami Mega Jail
Louis meets the inmates locked up in Miami's mega jail. Holding 6,000 prisoners and processing more than 100,000 people a year, it is a transitory place for those not yet sentenced, those awaiting trial and those awaiting charges. These jails are a new phenomenon in America as the country struggles to process its growing criminal class. 
Louis Theroux: Miami Mega Jail September 20

FBI Season 5 (September 22)
Special Agents Maggie Bell and Omar 'OA' Zidan return for a new season of fast-paced action at the New York office of the FBI. Along for the ride are fellow agents Stuart Scola, Tiffany Wallace, Jubal Valentine, and Isobel Castille. Starring Missy Peregrym, Zeeko Zaki, Jeremy Sisto and Alana De La Garza. 

FBI Most Wanted Season 4 (September 22)
After losing their mentor last season, the FBI's Fugitive Task Force moves forward under the guidance of Special Agent Remy Scott. The team continue to relentlessly track and capture notorious criminals from the FBI's Most Wanted list. Starring Dylan McDermott, Alexa Davalos, Roxy Sternberg and Keisha Castle Hughes. 

Law and Order: Organized Crime season 3 (September 27)
After a devastating personal loss, Elliot Stabler returns to the NYPD to battle organised crime. Leading an elite task force, Stabler quickly learns that the city and police department have changed dramatically in the decade he's been away. Season three will revolve around a drug trafficking ring with ties to a New York City power couple. Starring Christopher Meloni. 

Flatbush Misdemeanors S2 (September 24)
Dan, Kevin, Zayna and Drew are back in Flatbush and navigating the world of complicated relationships, art, drugs and bike repair. Picking up where the last season left off, Kevin tries to distance himself from Drew's influence, yet Dan's connection to Drew grows stronger. Drew's past mistakes continue to haunt him. Zayna ambitiously seeks to separate herself from her family's troubled past. 


Dune (September 2)

Paul Atreides, a brilliant and gifted young man born into a great destiny beyond his understanding, must travel to the most dangerous planet in the universe to ensure the future of his family and his people. As malevolent forces explode into conflict over the planet's exclusive supply of the most precious resource in existence, only those who can conquer their own fear will survive. Starring, Timothée Chalamet (Little Women, Don't Look Up), Rebecca Ferguson (The Greatest Showman, Life), Zendaya (Euphoria), Oscar Isaac (Scenes from a Marriage) and Jason Momoa (Game of Thrones, Aquaman). 

Spider-Man: No Way Home (September 16) 
With Spider-Man's identity now revealed, our friendly neighbourhood web-slinger is unmasked and no longer able to separate his normal life as Peter Parker from being a superhero. When Peter asks for help from Doctor Strange, the stakes become even more dangerous, forcing him to discover what it truly means to be Spider-Man. Starring Tom Holland and Benedict Cumberbatch. 

The Matrix: Resurrections (September 18)
To find out if his reality is a physical or mental construct, Mr. Anderson, aka Neo, will have to choose to follow the white rabbit once more. If he's learned anything, it's that choice, while an illusion, is still the only way out of - or into - the Matrix. Neo already knows what he has to do, but what he doesn't yet know is that the Matrix is stronger, more secure and far more dangerous than ever before. Starring Keanu Reeves and Carrie Anne Moss.

Marry Me (September 4)
Pop superstar Kat Valdez is about to get married before an audience of her loyal fans. However, seconds before the ceremony, she learns about her fiancé's infidelity and in a moment of inspired insanity, Kat locks eyes with a stranger in the crowd and marries him instead. As forces conspire to separate the unlikely newlyweds, they must soon decide if two people from such different worlds can find true love together. Starring Jennifer Lopez and Owen Wilson. 

Naked Singularity (September 23) 
Casi is a promising young New York City public defender whose idealism is beginning to crack under the daily injustices of the very justice system he's trying to make right. Doubting all he has worked for and seeing signs of the universe collapsing all around him, he is pulled into a dangerous, high stakes drug heist by an unpredictable former client in an effort to beat the broken system at its own game. Starring John Boyega and Olivia Cooke. 

Ghostbusters Afterlife (September 30)

When a single mum and her two kids arrive in a small town, they begin to discover their connection to the original Ghostbusters and the secret legacy their grandfather left behind. Starring Carrie Coon, Paul Rudd and Finn Wolfhard.

Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City (September 9)
Welcome to Raccoon City, once the booming home of pharmaceutical giant Umbrella Corp. The company's exodus left the city a wasteland, a dying town with great evil brewing below the surface. When that evil is unleashed, a group of survivors must work together to uncover the truth behind Umbrella and make it through the night. Starring Kaya Scodelario and Robbie Amell. 

Tuesday, 23 August 2022

What's on Prime Video in September

What's on Prime Video in September

This September we are introduced to the heroic legends of the fabled Second Age of Middle-earth’s history, showcasing a stunning Aotearoa backdrop and talent. Set thousands of years before the events of J.R.R Tolkien’s The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, this epic drama will take viewers back to an era where the great powers were forged and kingdoms rose to glory and fell to ruin, unlikely heroes (both familiar and new) were tested and the greatest villain that ever flowed from Tolkien’s pen threatened to cover all the world in darkness. The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power will launch with two episodes at 1pm on Friday 2 September (4pm weekly thereafter).

Julia Roberts and Sean Penn star in a modern take on the 70s political Watergate scandal, centering on untold stories and forgotten characters of the time. Gaslit, based on the podcast by Leon Nwyfakh Slow Burn, will launch Friday 16 September. 
What's on Prime Video in September

Spring also sees the return of Luxe Listings Sydney; U.K. Rap and Drill-Inspired drama series Jungle; psychological drama Swimming With Sharks starring Kiernan Shipka and Diane Kruger; Friendships come against the devil in horror My Best Friend’s Exorcism and the 2022 remake of Austrian horror, Goodnight Mommy starring Naomi Watts.


Prime Video's The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power brings to screens for the very first time the heroic legends of the fabled Second Age of Middle-earth's history. This epic drama is set thousands of years before the events of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, and will take viewers back to an era in which great powers were forged, kingdoms rose to glory and fell to ruin, unlikely heroes were tested, hope hung by the finest of threads, and the greatest villain that ever flowed from Tolkien’s pen threatened to cover all the world in darkness. Beginning in a time of relative peace, the series follows an ensemble cast of characters, both familiar and new, as they confront the long-feared re-emergence of evil to Middle-earth. From the darkest depths of the Misty Mountains, to the majestic forests of the elf-capital of Lindon, to the breathtaking island kingdom of Númenor, to the furthest reaches of the map, these kingdoms and characters will carve out legacies that live on long after they are gone.

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power stars Cynthia Addai-Robinson, Robert Aramayo, Owain Arthur, Maxim Baldry, Nazanin Boniadi, Morfydd Clark, Ismael Cruz Córdova, Charles Edwards, Trystan Gravelle, Sir Lenny Henry, Ema Horvath, Markella Kavenagh, Tyroe Muhafidin, Sophia Nomvete, Lloyd Owen, Megan Richards, Dylan Smith, Charlie Vickers, Leon Wadham, Benjamin Walker, Daniel Weyman and Sara Zwangobani. 


A modern take on the 1970s Watergate scandal, focused on the untold stories and forgotten characters of the time. The series centres around Martha Mitchell (Julia Roberts), an unlikely whistle-blower who was the first person to publicly flag Nixon's involvement in Watergate, causing both the Presidency and her life to unravel. Gaslit is an American political thriller television limited series inspired by the first season of the podcast Slow Burn by Leon Neyfakh. 

Gaslit stars Julia Roberts, Sean Penn, Dan Stevens, Betty Gilpin, Shea Whigham, and Darby Camp


Luxe Listings Sydney is a reality series that takes viewers inside the exciting and exclusive world of elite Sydney Real Estate, told through the eyes of four leading agents as they negotiate multi-million-dollar deals in one of the most competitive and cut throat real estate markets in the world - Sydney, Australia. Money never sleeps for these four high-powered agents, who will stop at nothing to deliver the best results for their clients.  In the third season, we continue our journey with D’Leanne Lewis, Gavin Rubinstein, Monika Tu and Simon Cohen. This season, the property market in Sydney gets even tighter with highly competitive auctions leaving the agents dueling for the most coveted properties. Gavin and Simon will be vying for the chance to find Delta Goodrem the perfect property as more celebrity clients start to call on our agents wanting luxurious retreats and mega-million-dollar waterfront property.  Risking their reputations and pulling off unbelievable deals, the four elite real estate specialists showcase Sydney’s most spectacular and elite properties.


Jungle follows the connected lives of several strangers, each facing their own struggle, viewed through the prism of UK rap and drill music, and giving a perspective on an often unseen world. Frequently misunderstood, it’s a world where one law governs everything: only the strongest will survive. As the strangers’ worlds begin to unravel around them, they come to the realisation that every action, no matter how small, has a consequence. The series is told through a unique blend of music and dialogue, working alongside creatively ambitious cinematography and design to create a tilted, timeless version of today’s London and brings to life a compelling and complex narrative. The series features some of the UK’s top drill and UK rap artists and looks to capture a very different side to an often told story. Portraying the city through compelling visuals, whilst detailing the many perils and dangers involved in day to day life in Inner City London and ultimately conveying a bigger message about the true value of life.

Jungle features Tinie Tempah, Big Narstie, Unknown T,  Jaykae, IAMDDB, Double Lz, Bandokay, M24, Jordan McCann and over 20 more artists.


When Lou Simms starts her internship at Fountain Pictures she seems like a naïve Hollywood newcomer, awestruck by the studio's notorious CEO, Joyce Holt. Lou soon proves herself indispensable to Joyce, who's not only trying to out-manoeuvre her predatory dinosaur of a boss, but to have a baby after years of trying. In truth, Lou has done extensive research on Joyce and landing this internship was no happy accident. As Lou's obsession grows, she will do anything to get close to her idol, even kill.

Swimming With Sharks stars Kiernan Shipka, Diane Krueger, Kathleen Robertson, Donald Sutherland, Finn Jones.  


The year is 1988. High school sophomores Abby and Gretchen have been best friends since fourth grade. But after an evening of skinny-dipping goes disastrously wrong, Gretchen begins to act…different. She’s moody. She’s irritable. And bizarre incidents keep happening whenever she’s nearby. Abby’s investigation leads her to some startling discoveries—and by the time their story reaches its terrifying conclusion, the fate of Abby and Gretchen will be determined by a single question: Is their friendship powerful enough to beat the devil?

My Best Friend’s Exorcism stars Elsie Fisher, Amiah Miller, Cathy Ang, Rachel Ogechi, Cynthia Evans, Christopher Lowell


When twin brothers arrive home to find their mother’s demeanour altered and face covered in surgical bandages, they begin to suspect the woman beneath the gauze might not be their mother. 

Goodnight Mommy stars Naomi Watts, Cameron Crovetti, Nicholas Crovetti, Peter Hermann

Goodnight Mommy will be available to stream here


Mad Max: Fury Road 1/09/2022 (MOVIE)

The Lord Of The Rings: The Rings Of Power 2/09/2022 (TV)

Spider-Man: No Way Home 2/09/2022 (MOVIE)

Marry Me 4/09/2022 (MOVIE)

The Big Sick 8/09/2022 (MOVIE)

Resident Evil: Welcome To Raccoon City 9/09/2022 (MOVIE)

Gaslit 16/09/2022 (TV)

Swimming With Sharks 16/09/2022 (TV)

Goodnight Mommy 16/09/2022 (MOVIE)

Luxe Listing Sydney S3 30/09/2022 (TV)

My Best Friend’s Exorcism 30/09/2022 (MOVIE)

The Spy Who Dumped Me 30/09/2022 (MOVIE)

Jungle 30/09/2022 (TV)

Moonfall 30/09/2022 (MOVIE)

Monday, 22 August 2022

Rollerdrome: PS5 Review

Rollerdrome: PS5 Review

Developed by
Published by 
Platform: PS5

It's not unfair to describe Rollerdrome as a cross between James Caan's 1975 film Rollerball and Private Division's OlliOlli World.

Rollerdrome: PS5 Review

The combination of skating, grinding, shooting and being stylish is a heady game that offers fun, but occasionally frustrates if you can't master the required multi-skilling on the controller.

It's a simple enough premise - It's 2030 and you are Kara Hassan, a participant in a deadly sport named Rollerdrome. So far, simple - basically, you skate, shoot and perform tricks to graduate each level.

But Rollerdrome requires you to master a large amount of flips, grinds, slides and jumps to help with simple things like refilling your ammo - you really do have to be the master of all trades when playing.

In many ways, its execution is very similar to SuperHot both in style and in aesthetics as you take on the House Players, targeting them and dispatching them. Each level has a certain number of them for you to take out, and only grants you a certain number of bullets before the clip is emptied and you have to rely on tricks to fill them back up.

Rollerdrome: PS5 Review

But you're not stuck with one weapon either - progress is rewarded with access to other weapons, each of which helps you off the victims with ease and flair.

In between levels there is a narrative to follow as you poke around locker rooms, uncover various truths and generally get to be nosey as you like - from touching other's stuff to playing with tech, there's another world outside the Drome to discover.

It's addictive stuff to be sure - as long as you have the patience and dexterity to work out how to flip when needed and how to kill when prompted. There's a refreshingly lo-fi ethos on how the game is presented, but not how it plays. It's a smooth, silky game that when you find a flow excels.

Rollerdrome is addictive stuff; it rewards those willing to put the time to master its skills and with its 70s stylings and 21st century gaming mechanics, it's worth a trip to the Drome for sure.

A code for Rollerdrome on PS5 was provided for the purposes of this review.

Sunday, 21 August 2022

What's on Disney+ in September

What's on Disney+ in September

Wedding Season (September 8)

Disney+ has unveiled the official trailer and key art for its first UK Original series, rom-com action thriller “Wedding Season.” The eight-episode series premieres exclusively on the streaming service on Disney+ Day on Thursday, September 8. 

What's on Disney+ in September

 The genre-busting series tells the story of Katie and Stefan who fall for each other at a wedding and begin an affair, despite Katie already having a fiancé. Two months later at Katie’s wedding, her new husband and his entire family are murdered. The police think Stefan did it. Stefan thinks Katie did it. And no one knows for sure what the truth is… 

The series is an action-packed romp across the UK and the US as Katie and Stefan go on the run, all while trying to prove their innocence. 

 “Wedding Season” stars Rosa Salazar and Gavin Drea, with Jade Harrison, Jamie Michie, Callie Cooke, Bhav Joshi, Ioanna Kimbook, Omar Baroud and George Webster. 

The series is created and executive produced by up-and-coming screenwriting talent Oliver Lyttelton (“Cheaters”) and directed by George Kane (“Crashing”) and Laura Scrivano (“The Lazarus Project”). Produced by Dancing Ledge Productions (“The Responder”, “The Salisbury Poisonings”) with executive producers Chris Carey, Laurence Bowen, and Toby Bruce; Jax Media (“Russian Doll”, “Emily in Paris”) with executive producers Brooke Posch, Lilly Burns, and Tony Hernandez; and Johanna Devereaux executive producing for Disney+. 

The series will premiere alongside new content announced for Disney+ Day from marquee brands Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, National Geographic and Star. 

Cars on the Road (September 8)

What's on Disney+ in September

The Disney+ Original series follows Lightning McQueen (voice of Owen Wilson) and his best friend Mater (voice of Larry the Cable Guy) as they head east from Radiator Springs on a cross-country road trip to meet up with Mater’s sister. "The series is a romp across the country with Lightning McQueen and Mater," says director Steve Purcell. "Like any real road trip, every day is a new mini-adventure with unexpected twists and turns."

"Cars on the Road" is produced by Marc Sondheimer. The series' episodes are directed by Steve Purcell (Eps 1, 2, 8), Bobby Podesta (Eps 5, 6, 9) and Brian Fee (Eps 3, 4, 7). Composer Jake Monaco created the score for all nine episodes.  

Disney+ Day will return on Thursday, September 8, 2022, leading into D23 Expo: The Ultimate Disney Fan Event presented by Visa in Anaheim, CA. In celebration, the streaming service will host special experiences for fans and subscribers, and will premiere new content from its marquee brands – Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, and National Geographic.

What's on Disney+ Day on September 8

Disney+ Day will deliver even more excitement to subscribers with additional content premiering globally on September 8 as well as celebrations across Disney Parks, Experiences, and Products. New titles include Marvel Studios’ “Thor: Love and Thunder” and “Assembled: The Making of Thor: Love and Thunder,” “Obi-Wan Kenobi: A Jedi’s Return,” “Tierra Incógnita,” the “Frozen” and “Frozen 2” Sing-Alongs, and “Welcome to the Club,” a new short from The Simpsons. 

Disney+ Day Content Premieres:

The Disney+ Day lineup will feature anticipated global premieres from Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, National Geographic, The Simpsons, and more. In addition to the previously announced “Pinocchio,” a new episode of “She-Hulk: Attorney at Law,” “Cars on the Road,” “Growing Up,” and ““Epic Adventures with Bertie Gregory,” the new content coming to Disney+ will include: 


“Thor: Love and Thunder” (7pm NZST*)

Marvel Studios’ “Thor: Love and Thunder” finds the God of Thunder (Chris Hemsworth) on a journey unlike anything he’s ever faced – one of self-discovery. But his efforts are interrupted by a galactic killer known as Gorr the God Butcher (Christian Bale), who seeks the extinction of the gods. To combat the threat, Thor enlists the help of King Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson), Korg (Taika Waititi) and ex-girlfriend Jane Foster (Natalie Portman), who – to Thor’s surprise – inexplicably wields his magical hammer, Mjolnir, as the Mighty Thor. Together, they embark upon a harrowing cosmic adventure to uncover the mystery of the God Butcher’s vengeance and stop him before it’s too late.


“Thor: Love and Thunder” joins 15 other Marvel Cinematic Universe movies now streaming in IMAX Enhanced on Disney+. With IMAX Enhanced, subscribers can enjoy IMAX’s expanded aspect ratio at home, which provides up to 26 percent more picture for an immersive viewing experience. (No additional cost or device required. Content availability varies by region.)  More information about IMAX Enhanced on Disney+ is available here.

“Thor: Love and Thunder” Poster: HERE


“Marvel Studios Assembled: The Making of Thor: Love and Thunder” (7pm NZST*)

Settle in with Taika Waititi, Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Christian Bale, and Tessa Thompson, as they divulge the secrets behind the creation of Thor: Love and Thunder. Through in-depth interviews with cast and crew, along with raw, unseen footage from the set and beyond, ASSEMBLED pulls back the curtain on the God of Thunder’s fourth feature film.


“Obi-Wan Kenobi: A Jedi’s Return” (12am NZST*)

With never-before-seen, behind-the-scenes footage, colourful personal stories and meaningful moments, “Obi-Wan Kenobi: A Jedi’s Return”  showcases the making of Lucasfilm’s original limited series for Disney+, “Obi-Wan Kenobi,” an epic story that begins 10 years after the dramatic events of “Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith.” This insightful documentary from Lucasfilm and Supper Club explores the return of Obi-Wan Kenobi and  Anakin Skywalker to the screen — and  Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christensen to their respective classic roles. Director Deborah Chow, cast and crew reflect on their journey to tell a new story with iconic Star Wars characters Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Vader and Princess Leia, while introducing new heroes and villains into the saga along the way. Complete with visits to the creature shop, props department and more, “Obi-Wan Kenobi: A Jedi’s Return” features the side of filmmaking that makes Star Wars so unique — the respect and passion for the generation-spanning legacy and the beloved characters.

“Obi-Wan Kenobi: A Jedi’s Return” Key Art HERE

“Frozen” and “Frozen 2” Sing-Alongs (7pm NZST*)

Disney+ will release new Sing-Along versions of Walt Disney Animation Studios’ “Frozen” and “Frozen 2.” As subscribers watch the Sing-Along version of these films, they will be able to fully immerse themselves in the music with on-screen lyrics. 


“Welcome to the Club” (a new short from The Simpsons) (12am NZST*)

Heart set on becoming a princess, Lisa Simpson is surprised to learn being bad might be more fun.


“Tierra Incógnita” (Original Series Produced in Latin America) (12am NZST*)

“Tierra Incógnita” follows Eric Dalaras (Pedro Maurizi), a teenager who discovers a hair-raising world while searching for the truth behind the mysterious disappearance of his parents eight years before. Raised by his maternal grandparents along with his sister Uma (Mora Fisz), Eric decides to run away from home and go back to his childhood town, Cabo Qwert, to find answers where his parents were last seen: the Tierra Incógnita horror theme park. Together with his friends, his sister and his aunt, Eric must overcome his fears in order to find answers and solve the mystery in a dark and unfamiliar world. 


Previously announced titles include: 


“Pinocchio” (7pm NZST*)

Academy Award® winner Robert Zemeckis directs this live-action retelling of the beloved tale of a wooden puppet who embarks on a thrilling adventure to become a real boy. Tom Hanks stars as Geppetto, the wood-carver who builds and treats Pinocchio (Benjamin Evan Ainsworth) as if he were his own son. Joseph Gordon-Levitt is Jiminy Cricket, who serves as Pinocchio’s guide as well as his "conscience"; Academy Award® nominee Cynthia Erivo is the Blue Fairy; Keegan-Michael Key is "Honest" John; Academy Award® nominee Lorraine Bracco is Sofia the Seagull, a new character, and Luke Evans is The Coachman.


“She-Hulk: Attorney at Law” (7pm NZST*)

New episodes streaming Thursdays

In Marvel Studios’ “She-Hulk: Attorney at Law,” Jennifer Walters (Tatiana Maslany)—an attorney specialising in superhuman-oriented legal cases—must navigate the complicated life of a single, 30-something who also happens to be a green 6-foot-7-inch superpowered hulk. The nine-episode comedy series welcomes a host of MCU vets, including Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner, Tim Roth as Emil Blonsky/Abomination, and Benedict Wong as Wong, as well as Ginger Gonzaga, Josh Segarra, Jameela Jamil, Jon Bass, and Renée Elise Goldsberry. Directed by Kat Coiro (Episodes 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9) and Anu Valia (Episodes 5, 6, 7) with Jessica Gao as head writer. Executive producers are Kevin Feige, Louis D’Esposito, Victoria Alonso, Brad Winderbaum, Kar Coiro and Jessica Gao. 


“Cars on the Road” (12am NZST*)

The series follows Lightning McQueen (voice of Owen Wilson) and his best friend Mater (voice of Larry the Cable Guy) as they head east from Radiator Springs on a cross-country road trip to meet up with Mater’s sister. Along the way, every stop is its own adventure, with outrageous roadside attractions and colourful new characters. "Cars on the Road" is produced by Marc Sondheimer. The series' episodes are directed by Steve Purcell (Eps 1, 2, 8), Bobby Podesta (Eps 5, 6, 9) and Brian Fee (Eps 3, 4, 7). Composer Jake Monaco created the score for all nine episodes.


“Growing Up” (12am NZST*)

Created by Brie Larson and Culture.House, “Growing Up” is an innovative hybrid docu-series that explores the challenges, triumphs, and complexities of adolescence through ten compelling coming of age stories. From Disney Branded Television, the series uses narrative, experimental, and documentary filmmaking to follow one casted individual, ages 18-22, as they tell their story. They represent a wide range of lived experiences, giving audiences emotionally powerful narratives that offer an engaging look at teenage-hood and the diverse social, familial, and internal obstacles young people face on their path to self-discovery and acceptance. Each 30-minute episode features one young person, or “hero,” and their experience growing up. Each episode is anchored by a deeply personal interview that allows our heroes to walk us through their childhood and teenage years. Alongside these interviews, creative cinematic reenactments help bring their major inflection points to life.


“Epic Adventures with Bertie Gregory” (12am NZST*)

The face of a new generation of aspirational adventurers and natural history filmmakers, 29-year-old National Geographic Explorer Bertie Gregory takes viewers on epic and nail-biting journeys that push into the most spectacular and secretive corners of our wild world. Armed with leading-edge film technology, the Disney+ original series “Epic Adventures with Bertie Gregory,” from National Geographic, breaks the mould of the traditional natural history program by telling extraordinary, real-life animal stories and taking viewers with him for every beat of the action. For weeks at a time, the charismatic BAFTA Award-winning cinematographer immerses himself into the animals’ lives to capture the untold stories of iconic creatures living in some of the harshest environments on our planet. This season, we will see Bertie braving the icy worlds of Antarctica in search of the biggest gathering of whales ever filmed and coming face-to-face with specialist buffalo-hunting lions in Zambia. In this multipart adventure series, he will take audiences on an ambitious odyssey across the globe, showcasing the natural world at a time when it faces its greatest challenges.


“THE ZONE: Survival Mission” (12am NZST*)

“THE ZONE: Survival Mission” establishes its three hosts as representatives of the human race before throwing them into eight episodes of unexpected situations where they will be challenged to survive for four hours and not give up, in order to complete each mission. Pitting the hosts against zombies, a puddle of sticky glue, puzzles and other situations, viewers will find themselves laughing-out-loud as top K-variety hosts Yu Jaeseok, Lee Kwangsoo, and Kwon Yuri struggle to work together and find solutions to the implausible situations they are faced with. The director and mastermind behind the series, Cho Hyojin, was one of the original creators for the internationally popular K-variety show Running Man. 


“Wedding Season, Season 1” (12am NZST*)

Hopeless romantic Stefan meets the charismatic Katie, and despite her engagement to the son of a wealthy property magnate, a whirlwind affair begins over a summer of weddings. Before long, they're on the run from the law, with Katie the prime suspect in a shocking crime. Can they fend off police, organised criminals and their complicated feelings for one another as they try to clear their names?

Around the world, Consumer Products, Games and Publishing will also be celebrating Disney+ Day, with perks for subscribers including an offer from shopDisney Australia & New Zealand. 


8 September


Disney+ Original

Disney+ Day Premiere

Academy Award® winner Robert Zemeckis directs this live action and CGI retelling of the beloved tale of a wooden puppet who embarks on a thrilling adventure to become a real boy. Tom Hanks stars as Geppetto, the woodcarver who builds and treats Pinocchio (Benjamin Evan Ainsworth) as if he were his real son. Joseph Gordon-Levitt is Jiminy Cricket, who serves as Pinocchio’s guide as well as his "conscience"; Academy Award® nominee Cynthia Erivo is the Blue Fairy; Keegan-Michael Key is "Honest" John; Academy Award® nominee Lorraine Bracco is Sofia the Seagull, a new character, and Luke Evans is The Coachman. A Disney+ Day premiere, “Pinocchio” will launch September 8, 2022, exclusively on Disney+.

8 September

Thor: Love and Thunder

Marvel Studios’ “Thor: Love and Thunder” finds the God of Thunder (Chris Hemsworth) on a journey unlike anything he’s ever faced – one of self-discovery. But his efforts are interrupted by a galactic killer known as Gorr the God Butcher (Christian Bale), who seeks the extinction of the gods. To combat the threat, Thor enlists the help of King Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson), Korg (Taika Waititi) and ex-girlfriend Jane Foster (Natalie Portman), who – to Thor’s surprise – inexplicably wields his magical hammer, Mjolnir, as the Mighty Thor. Together, they embark upon a harrowing cosmic adventure to uncover the mystery of the God Butcher’s vengeance and stop him before it’s too late.

8 September

Cars on the Road

Disney+ Original Series

Disney+ Day Premiere

The series follows Lightning McQueen (voice of Owen Wilson) and his best friend Mater (voice of Larry the Cable Guy) as they head east from Radiator Springs on a cross-country road trip to meet up with Mater’s sister. Along the way, every stop is its own adventure, with outrageous roadside attractions and colourful new characters. "Cars on the Road" is produced by Marc Sondheimer. The series' episodes are directed by Steve Purcell (Eps 1, 2, 8), Bobby Podesta (Eps 5, 6, 9) and Brian Fee (Eps 3, 4, 7). Composer Jake Monaco created the score for all nine episodes.

30 September

Hocus Pocus 2

Disney+ Original Movie


The live-action comedy “Hocus Pocus 2” is a haunting sequel to the Halloween classic which brings back the delightfully wicked Sanderson sisters for more comedic mayhem. “Hocus Pocus 2” stars Bette Midler (“The First Wives Club,” “Beaches”), Sarah Jessica Parker (“Sex and the City,” “Divorce”), and Kathy Najimy (“Sister Act,” “Younger”), and is directed by Anne Fletcher (“Dumplin,’” “The Proposal”). It’s been 29 years since someone lit the Black Flame Candle and resurrected the 17th-century sisters, and they are looking for revenge. Now it is up to three high-school students to stop the ravenous witches from wreaking a new kind of havoc on Salem before dawn on All Hallow’s Eve.

7 September

Reservation Dogs - Season 2

STAR Original Series


From co-creators and executive producers Sterlin Harjo and Taika Waititi, “Reservation Dogs” is a half-hour comedy that follows the exploits of “Elora Danan” (Devery Jacobs), “Bear Smallhill” (D’Pharaoh Woon-A-Tai), “Willie Jack” (Paulina Alexis) and “Cheese” (Lane Factor), four Indigenous teenagers in rural Oklahoma. After the death of the fifth member of the Reservation Dogs, the crew took to stealing, scheming and saving in order to vicariously fulfil his dream of reaching the exotic, mysterious and faraway land of California. But after a promising start to their criminal endeavours, including the legendary heist of a Flaming Flamers chips truck, and some low-grade grand theft auto, the plan went bust. The gang disbanded, with everyone trying to forge their own paths.

8 September

Wedding Season

Star Original Series

Disney+ Day Premiere

The genre-busting series tells the story of Katie and Stefan who fall for each other at a wedding and begin an affair, despite Katie already having a fiancé. Two months later at Katie’s wedding, her new husband and his entire family are murdered. The police think Stefan did it. Stefan thinks Katie did it. And no one knows for sure what the truth is… The series is an action-packed romp across the UK and the US as Katie and Stefan go on the run, all while trying to prove their innocence.

21 September


Disney+ Original Series


The “Andor” series will explore a new perspective from the Star Wars galaxy, focusing on Cassian Andor’s journey to discover the difference he can make. The series brings forward the tale of the burgeoning rebellion against the Empire and how people and planets became involved. It’s an era filled with danger, deception and intrigue where Cassian will embark on the path that is destined to turn him into a rebel hero.

22 September

The Kardashians - Season 2

Star Original Series


Cameras return to capture the ever-changing lives of Kris, Kourtney, Kim, Khloé, Kendall and Kylie. The family welcomes viewers back to stand with them through their biggest triumphs and struggles. From fiery romances and life changing milestones to unimaginable successes. The family bond remains unbreakable as they navigate their public and private lives for the world to see. Fulwell 73 partner Ben Winston executive produces alongside Emma Conway and Elizabeth Jones with Danielle King serving as showrunner and executive producer.

8 September

Growing Up

Disney+ Original Series

Disney+ Day Premiere

Created by Brie Larson and Culture House, “Growing Up” is an innovative hybrid docu-series that explores the challenges, triumphs, and complexities of adolescence through ten compelling coming of age stories. The series uses narrative, experimental, and documentary filmmaking to follow one casted individual, ages 18-22, as they tell their story. They represent a wide range of lived experiences, giving audiences emotionally powerful narratives that offer an engaging look at teenage-hood and the diverse social, familial, and internal obstacles young people face on their path to self-discovery and acceptance. Each 30-minute episode features one young person, or “hero,” and their experience growing up. Each episode is anchored by a deeply personal interview that allows our heroes to walk us through their childhood and teenage years. Alongside these interviews, creative cinematic reenactments help bring their major inflection points to life.

Sing-Along in September with Disney+

Your favourite Disney movies are back but in Sing-Along version! Get your remote control microphone in hand and your best singing voice ready to go through the classics as we sing along together. Will you choose Let It Go, Un Poco Loco or... all of them?

September 8

Frozen Sing-Along Version

Frozen II Sing-Along Version

September 14

Coco Sing-Along Version

Also in September…

2 September

Series Special

Doc McStuffins: The Doc is 10!

7 September


The Incredible Dr. Pol - Seasons 15-17

STAR Original

Tell Me Lies - Episodes 1-3

8 September


Modern Family - Seasons 1-11

Disney+ Original

Epic Adventures with Bertie Gregory - Season 1

Welcome to the Club (Short) - The Simpsons

Marvel Studios Assembled: The Making of Thor: Love and Thunder

Obi-Wan Kenobi: A Jedi's Return

STAR Original

Tierra Incognita AKA Jules Verne Trilogy - Season 1

The Zone: Survival Mission

14 September

STAR Original

Tatami Time Machine - Episode 1

Because We Forget Everything - Episode 1

16 September


Leave No Trace

Disney+ Original


19 September

STAR Original

Best in Dough - Episodes 1-3

20 September

STAR Original

Reboot - Episodes 1-3

21 September

STAR Original

Little Demon - Episode 1-2

Women in Taipei - Season 1

May It Please the Court - Episodes 1-2

Disney+ Original

Super/Natural - Season 1

23 September

Disney+ Original

Lego Star Wars Summer Vacation

27 September

STAR Original

Reasonable Doubt - Season 1

28 September

Disney+ Original

The Mighty Ducks: Game Changes - Episode 1

Running Wild with Bear Grylls: The Challenge: Season 1


Cesar Millan: Better Human Better Dog - Season 1

30 September


Disney Summer Magic Quest

Hocus Pocus 25th Anniversary Halloween Bash

New Episodes

The Patient - Season 1 New episodes weekly on Tuesdays

Fearless: The Inside Story of the AFLW Finale 28 September (Original Local Series)

Welcome to Wrexham - Season 1 Two new episodes weekly on Thursdays

Mike - Season 1 Two new episodes weekly on Thursdays, finale 15 September

Adamas Two new episodes weekly Finale 16 September

American Dad - Season 17 New episodes weekly on Wednesdays

Solar Opposites - Season 3 Finale 7 September

Firebuds - New episodes

Big Mouth New episodes weekly on Fridays, Finale 16 September

Maggie - Season 1 Two New episodes weekly, finale 14 September

Men on a Mission - Season 1 New episodes weekly on Wednesdays

Summer Time Rendering - Season 1 New episodes weekly on Wednesdays

High School Musical: The Musical: The Series - Season 3 New episodes weekly on Wednesdays

Saturday, 20 August 2022

What's on Shudder in September

What's on Shudder in September


What's on Shudder in September

New Film Premieres: V/H/S/99 • Dario Argento’s Dark Glasses Deadstream • Saloum • Raven’s Hollow • Who Invited Them • She Will • Hatching

New Series Premieres: Queer for Fear: A History of Queer Horror

The 101 Scariest Horror Movie Moments of All Time • A New Series fromThe Boulet Brothers

Plus, A New “Ghoul Log” • Live Phone-In Recommendations from  Shudder’s Curator and more!

Shudder, AMC Networks’ premium streaming service for horror, thriller, and the supernatural, will kick off its annual 61-day Halloween event beginning Thursday, September 1. Shudder is the leading streamer for thrills and frights year-round. But the service goes above and beyond every September and October, this year presenting an unprecedented line-up of eight acclaimed, must-see new films and new original series, along with other special treats to be announced, to truly be “The Home for Halloween.”

"Halloween is the best time of year on Shudder, and this Halloween, we're featuring the best line-up of programming in our history," said Shudder General Manager Craig Engler. "We have eight original and exclusive movie premieres, including a new film from horror master Dario Argento, and three new series - from Bryan Fuller, The Boulet Brothers, and the producers of Eli Roth's History of Horror."

Shudder members will enjoy a new slate of weekly movie premieres, original series debuts, a new edition of Shudder’s fan favourite “The Ghoul Log,” a 24/7 streaming jack-o’-lantern, and the annual return of Shudder’s Halloween Hotline, where members can receive live, personalised movie recommendations from head curator Samuel Zimmerman.


101 Scariest Film Moments of All Time – A Shudder Original Series 
Premieres Wednesday, September 7; new episodes weekly 

In this eight-episode new series from the producers of Eli Roth’s History of Horror, master filmmakers  and genre experts celebrate and dissect the most terrifying moments of the greatest horror films ever  made, exploring how these scenes were created and why they burned themselves into the brains of  audiences around the world. 

Queer for Fear: A History of Queer Horror - A Shudder Original Series 
Premieres Friday, September 30; new episodes weekly 

From executive producer Bryan Fuller (Hannibal), Queer for Fear is a four-part documentary series  about the history of the LGBTQ+ community in the horror and thriller genres. From its literary origins  with queer authors Mary Shelley, Bram Stoker, and Oscar Wilde to the pansy craze of the 1920s that  influenced Universal Monsters and Hitchcock; from the “lavender scare” alien invasion films of the mid 20th century to the AIDS obsessed bloodletting of 80s vampire films; through genre-bending horrors  from a new generation of queer creators; Queer for Fear re-examines genre stories through a queer  lens, seeing them not as violent, murderous narratives, but as tales of survival that resonate  thematically with queer audiences everywhere. 

Untitled Boulet Brothers Series – (Date to be announced soon) 

For the third straight Halloween season following The Boulet Brothers’ Dragula: Resurrection (2020)  and The Boulet Brothers’ Dragula season 4 (2021), the groundbreaking duo return to Shudder to horrify  and delight with their boldest and most ambitious show ever. 


Who Invited Them – A Shudder Original 
Premieres Thursday, September 1 

Adam and Margo’s housewarming party goes well enough except for this mysterious couple, Tom and  Sasha, lingering after the other guests have left. The couple reveals themselves to be their wealthy and  successful neighbours, but as one nightcap leads to another, Adam and Margo start to suspect their  new friends are duplicitous strangers with a dark secret. Written and directed by Duncan Birmingham, 
and starring Ryan Hansen (Veronica Mars), Melissa Tang (The Kominsky Method), Timothy  Granaderos (13 Reasons Why), and Perry Mattfeld (In the Dark). 

Saloum – A Shudder Original 
Premieres Thursday, September 8 
Shot down after fleeing a coup and extracting a drug lord from Guinea-Bissau, the legendary  mercenaries known as the Bangui Hyenas – Chaka, Rafa and Midnight - must stash their stolen gold  bounty, lay low long enough to repair and refuel their plane and escape back to Dakar, Senegal. When  they take refuge at a holiday camp in the coastal region of Sine-Saloum, they do their best to blend in  with their fellow guests; including a mute named Awa, with secrets of her own, and a policeman who  may be on their tail, but it’s Chaka who happens to be hiding the darkest secret of them all.  Unbeknownst to the other Hyenas, he's brought them there for a reason and once his past catches up  to him, his decisions have devastating consequences, threatening to unleash hell on them all.  Saloum stars Yann Gael, Evelyne Ily Juhen, Roger Sallah, Bruno Henry, Marielle Salmier and  Mentor Ba, and is written and directed by Jean-Luc Herbulot, from a story by Herbulot and Pamala  Diop. Official Selection TIFF 2021, Fantastic Fest 2021 Best Director/New Wave winner. 

Raven’s Hollow – A Shudder Original 
Premieres Thursday, September 22 

West Point cadet Edgar Allan Poe and four other cadets on a training exercise in upstate New York are  drawn by a gruesome discovery into a forgotten community. Starring William Moseley (The Chronicles  of Narnia), Melanie Zanetti (Bluey), Callum Woodhouse (All Creatures Great and Small), Kate Dickie (The Green Knight), and David Hayman (Sid & Nancy). Written and directed by Christopher Hatton.  
Official Selection, FrightFest 2022. 

Deadstream – A Shudder Original 
Premieres Thursday, October 6 

A disgraced and demonetised Internet personality tries to win back his fans by live streaming himself,  spending a night alone in an abandoned haunted house. However, when he accidentally unleashes a  vengeful spirit, his big comeback event becomes a real-time fight for his life (and social relevance) as  he faces off with the sinister spirit of the house and her powerful following. Deadstream stars Joseph  Winter, who wrote and directed the film with Vanessa Winter. 

Dario Argento’s Dark Glasses – A Shudder Original 
Premieres Thursday, October 13 

Rome. An eclipse blocks out the sun, blackening the skies on a hot summer day - harbinger of the  darkness that will envelop Diana when a serial killer chooses her as prey. Fleeing her predator, the  young escort crashes her car and loses her sight. She emerges from the initial shock determined to  
fight for her life, but she is no longer alone. Defending her and acting as her eyes is a little boy, Chin,  who survived the car accident. But the killer won’t give up his victim. Who will be saved? A triumphant  return from Italian master of horror, director Dario Argento. Starring Ilenia Pastorelli and Asia  Argento. 

She Will – A Shudder Exclusive 
Premieres Thursday, October 13 

After a double mastectomy, Veronica Ghent (Alice Krige), goes to a healing retreat in rural Scotland  with her young nurse Desi (Kota Eberhardt). She discovers that the process of such surgery opens  questions about her very existence, leading her to start to question and confront past traumas. The two  develop an unlikely bond as mysterious forces give Veronica the power to enact revenge within her  dreams. Also starring Malcolm McDowell, Jonathan Aris, Rupert Everett, and Olwen Fouéré. Written by Kitty Percy and Charlotte Colbert and directed by Charlotte Colbert. 

V/H/S/99 – A Shudder Original 
Premieres Thursday, October 20 

V/H/S/99 marks the return of the acclaimed found footage anthology franchise and the sequel to  Shudder’s most-watched premiere of 2021. A thirsty teenager's home video leads to a series of  horrifying revelations. Featuring five new stories from filmmakers Maggie Levin (Into The Dark: My  Valentine), Johannes Roberts (47 Meters Down, Resident Evil: Welcome To Raccoon City), Flying  Lotus (Kuso), Tyler MacIntyre (Tragedy Girls) and Joseph & Vanessa Winter (Deadstream),  V/H/S/99 harkens back to the final punk rock analogue days of VHS, while taking one giant leap  forward into the hellish new millennium. 

Hatching – A Shudder Exclusive 
Premieres Thursday, October 27 

Twelve-year-old Tinja is desperate to please her mother, a woman obsessed with presenting the image  of a perfect family. One night, Tinja finds a strange egg. What hatches is beyond belief. Starring Siiri  Solalinna, Sophia Heikkilä and Jani Volanen. Written by Hanna Bergholm and Ilja Rautsi and  directed by Hanna Bergholm. 

The “Ghoul Log” is Halloween’s answer to the Christmas Yule Log: a 24/7 streaming jack-o’-lantern  providing the perfect ambience for all your Halloween festivities. Fan favourites The Ghoul Log, Return  of the Ghoul Log and Night of the Ghoul Log are back, along with a surprise new instalment for 2022.  

Every Friday in October from 3.00 – 4.00pm ET, members are invited to call Samuel Zimmerman,  Shudder’s head of programming, to discuss all things horror: from their favourite genre films of all time  to the most highly anticipated horror releases of the year. From those conversations, Sam will then use his horror expertise to offer customized viewing recommendations from Shudder’s expansive film  collection. 

Fans can call Sam at +1 914 481 2239 during Hotline Hours. (No calls will go through outside those  hours.)
*** While recommendations are provided for free, please note that normal phone and long-distance  charges may apply. Call volume is expected to be high, so please keep trying if a busy signal is  received. There are no guarantees that every call will be answered, but Sam will get through as many  as he can within the hour. *** 


September 6 
Disappearance at Lake Elrod 
A year after her daughter's disappearance, another girl from Elrod, Georgia, goes missing. Convinced  there is a connection, Charlie won't stop searching until she discovers the truth. 

Four friends embark on a camping trip to an isolated wilderness to shoot a documentary one of them  is making. On the first night the group hear blood-curdling cries and see unexplainable shadows  surrounding the camp causing them to question whether they should leave. Suddenly the night takes  a terrifying turn when one of the group goes missing and the remaining three realise they are being  brutally hunted… but by what? 

When their oldest son is brainwashed by a disturbing cult obsessed with violence, a family enlists a  cult deprogrammer to extract him. But as they work on reversing the damage to his mind, the family  finds themselves under siege, trapped in a remote vacation home deep in the woods and surrounded  by ruthless cultists determined to take back their missing member. A vicious battle unfolds,  unleashing a bloodbath in which there will be few survivors. 

The Lesson 
After being disruptive and violent to their local community as well as their teachers, two schoolboys  are attacked and awaken to find themselves bound and gagged in a disused warehouse. After  suffering them for long enough, their teacher has decided that the boys need to learn a lesson they  won’t forget and study for their lives. 

September 7 

Drew has an identity problem. Every few days, he has to shape-shift, or face a painful death. He has  to find someone and make a copy. He takes everything: their looks, memories, hopes and dreams.  Their entire life. He becomes them, and they die horribly. Lately, the changes are becoming more  frequent. Facing his imminent death, Drew sets out on one final blood-soaked mission. 

September 13 
St Agatha 

1950s Georgia, a pregnant con woman on the run seeks refuge in a desolate convent only to be met  with an unsettling and horrendous evil waiting on the other side. From Darren Lynn Bousman, the  director of Saw II, III and IV. 

In 1988 a screening of Antrum at a cinema in Budapest resulted in the tragic death of fifty-six people  when the building caught fire and burned to the ground. Other deaths linked to the film resulted in  Antrum being condemned as a 'cursed' film and its master negative destroyed. 

In this clever Israeli slasher, a group of people get caught in a serial killer's web. There are two  siblings who've committed a major sin, 4 teen athletes, a forest ranger and two pervy cops. As each  of them enters the woods where the psycho lurks, their decisions lead to terror and torment.  

September 16 
The Columnist 
Femke Boot is a columnist who is obsessed with reading the endless abusive messages and death  threats posted about her on social media. This obsession consumes her life and prevents her from  concentrating on the novel she has promised to her publisher. One day, all her pent-up anger and  frustration explode in a moment of shocking and unexpected violence. When this brutal and bloody  act inspires Femke to write again, she surrenders to her rage and begins to lead a double life as a  daytime writer and nighttime murderer. 

September 20 
Cemetery of Terror 
On Halloween, a group of medical students steal the corpse a serial killer from a morgue and raise  him from the dead, inadvertently putting themselves and a group of young neighbourhood children in  danger. 

Grave Robbers 
Teenagers accidentally resurrect a satanic killer who targets the local police captain's daughter to birth  the antichrist. 

The House at the End of Time 
A wrongfully convicted murderess must solve a metaphysical mystery to find the real killer. 30 years  ago, Dulce was convicted of killing her husband and kids, despite her pleas that an evil entity in the  house committed the slayings. Now, as part of her sentence, Dulce’s sent back to the home where  the murders happened. As memories come flooding back, Dulce teams up with a priest to uncover  the secrets of the house and find peace.  

I am Toxic 
A man wakes in a world destroyed by biological warfare with no memory of his previous life. Taken  prisoner by a group of scavengers he meets a young woman who tries to helps him escape as the  scavengers pursue them through the barren wastelands. 

September 27 

A journalist investigates an evil cult who may have murdered a female colleague. After Rachel dies  mysteriously while investigating her brother’s death, Frazier Truick decides it’s time to get to the 
bottom of what the cult is all about. But he’s not prepared for pagan rituals, Satan worship, and  human sacrifice. Racing against time, Frazier must solve the crime before he winds up its next victim. 

Wild Country 
After being forced to give her baby up for adoption, a teenage girl decides to go on a cross country hike  through the Scottish Highlands with a group of friends. In an attempt to re-kindle their relationship, her  ex-boyfriend appears uninvited, but his attempts at reconciliation are interrupted after they find an  abandoned baby in the ruins of an old castle. As they attempt to get the baby to safety, a wolf-like  creature appears from the darkness hell-bent on protecting its brood. 

Goldberg & Eisenberg 
Goldberg is a lonely computer programmer who spends his time searching the internet for a  girlfriend. After a blind date in the park, he meets Eisenberg, a thug who stalks him, intruding into his  everyday life until Goldberg's actions to get rid of him spin dangerously out of control. 

Friday, 19 August 2022

What's on DocPlay in September

What's on DocPlay in September

What's on DocPlay in September

1 September

I Am Not Alone

On Easter 2018, a man put on a backpack and went live on Facebook to announce that he was beginning a walk across Armenia. His mission: to inspire a velvet revolution — and topple the corrupt regime that enjoys absolute power in his post-soviet nation. With total access to all key players, I AM NOT ALONE tells the miraculous true story.

8 September

Kurt Vonnegut: Unstuck in Time

KURT VONNEGUT: UNSTUCK IN TIME is a dazzling, worthy tribute to Vonnegut and a compelling introduction for the uninitiated. The feature documentary - the first of its kind on Vonnegut - is a deep, immersive dive into the author’s upbringing and his creative output. KURT VONNEGUT: UNSTUCK IN TIME is first and foremost a biography of a beloved American author. But it also documents a filmmaker’s odyssey as he examines the impact of a writer’s legacy on his own life, extending far beyond the printed page.

15 September

Insert Coin

INSERT COIN is the amazing behind-the-scenes story of one of the greatest video game studios of all time – Midway Games. Led by the “godfather of video games” Eugene Jarvis, the company pioneered the concept of live action gaming, kickstarting a new arcade boom and grossing billions of dollars in the process with massive hits like Mortal Kombat and NBA Jam – franchises still popular today. Through intimate and often hilarious interviews with the people who were there, we witness how a small, tight-knit group of friends deal with next level success and the roller coaster ride that comes with it.

22 September

They Call Me Dr Miami

THEY CALL ME DR MIAMI is a fascinating look at America's most famous plastic surgeon. We witness how he grapples with the reality of selfie culture, the controversy his videos stir up, and his status as a social media superstar, and how he fights to balance this with being a devoted husband, a father of five, and a conservative Orthodox Jew who observes the Sabbath. Enter the hotbed of body modification culture via Dr. Miami's operating theatre and his relentless pursuit of social media fame, where lives hang in the balance.

26 September

No Visible Trauma

In the midst of a global uprising against police violence and systemic racism, NO VISIBLE TRAUMA examines a deeply troubled police department and reveals the devastating consequences of unchecked police brutality. Five years in the making, the film unravels the intertwined stories of three individuals who were the victims of extreme violence at the hands of police officers. From the kidnapping and beating of a young immigrant from Ghana, to the fatal shooting of an unarmed man during a “wellness check”, the film exposes a criminal justice system that fails to hold police officers accountable for their actions.

Very latest post

A Working Man: Movie Review

A Working Man: Movie Review Cast: Jason Statham, Jason Flemyng, Michael Pena, Maximillian Osinski, David Harbour, Arianna Rivas Director: Da...